Authority Self-Publishing Blog
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Authority Self-Publishing Blog
9M ago
You’ve poured your heart and soul into your novel, carefully crafting each chapter to build toward the final pages.
But as you approach the end, you might find yourself wondering how to wrap everything up in a way that feels satisfying and impactful for your readers.
After all, the ending is what will linger in their minds long after they’ve finished reading.
So, how do you write a knockout ending that does your story justice?
What’s in this article:
Why Is a Strong Ending Important?
What Are the Key Elements of a Satisfying Conclusion?
Resolution of the Ma ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
Need some nifty new words to make your characters jump off the page?
Look no further!
This treasure trove of 71 positive “n” adjectives will give you the tools to craft unforgettable descriptions that will captivate your readers.
Whether you’re looking for the perfect word to capture a character’s noble spirit, nurturing nature, or nerdy charm, this list has you covered.
Get ready to elevate your writing and bring your characters to life like never before.
What’s in this post:
71 Positive Words That Start With N to Describe a Person
How to Use These De ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
If you’re like most writers and authors, chances are you’ve got stacks of books piling up, silently judging you for the space they’re hogging.
Before you consider building a book fort, why not pass those cherished reads on to new homes?
We’ve got 19 fantastic spots where your old books can embark on fresh adventures.
Dive in and discover where your literary treasures can find their next chapter (pun intended)!
What’s in this post:
Where to Donate Books: 19 Places to Share Those Great Reads
1. Local Libraries
2. Thrift Stores
3. Schools and Daycares
4. Frien ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
Choosing the perfect name for your superhero is more than just a creative exercise; it’s a fundamental step in bringing your character to life.
For new writers, this task can seem daunting, as the name encapsulates the essence, powers, and spirit of the hero you’ve envisioned.
A well-crafted hero name can instantly evoke curiosity that sets the stage for your character’s journey.
Whether inspired by mythology, cosmic phenomena, or the hero’s unique abilities, the right name can turn your character from a mere concept into a beloved figure in the reader’s imagination.
In ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
Welcome to the Authority Pub guide on how to write good erotica.
And by “good erotica,” I mean erotic fiction that pulls your readers in, gives them what they want, and keeps them interested all the way to the end.
These stories can be anything from erotic microfiction to full-length erotica novels. And there are things you need to know about this genre before you dive in.
What’s In This Article?
What is Erotica?
How to Write Erotica
Make a Name for Yourself as a Writer of Erotica
Know the Risks with Writing Erotica
Erotica Doesn’t Have to be Straight to be ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
What is passive voice misuse?
How do you know if you’re overdoing it with passive voice constructions?
And is active voice always better?
If you’ve ever run your work through the Heminway Editor, you know it flags passive voice right away (along with wordy or overly long sentences).
Human editors, too, tend to bristle at the overuse of passive voice.
So, it’s a huge time-saver when you know how to recognize and correct it in your writing.
Read on to learn how.
What’s in this article:
How to Fix Passive Voice in 5 Simple Steps
1. Look for sentenc ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
What kind of person is your main character?
Maybe you’ve started to hear their voice in your head, but they just haven’t been very talkative.
What can you do to make your character reveal their full self, quirks and all?
The best way to get to know the people you’ve created is to use character development writing prompts.
We’ve created a list of 47 to put each of your key characters to the test.
Choose your own adventures for them. And see what your characters reveal about themselves.
Actions speak louder than words. But you’ll need both.
What’s In This Post:
&n ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
“Per our conversation” is a phrase that’s frequently tossed around, and today, we’re breaking it down.
What does it mean?
Is it grammatically sound?
When should you use it?
Is it rude — or can it be?
All the answers are below.
So pull up a screen and prepare to learn everything you could possibly want to know about “per our conversation.”
What’s In This Post:
What Does Per Our Conversation Mean?
How To Use Per Our Conversation in a Sentence
9 Alternative Phrases for Per Our Conversation
1. When We Last Spoke
2. As Agreed
3. As Promised
4. Pursuant to Our Conversa ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
When writing fiction, it’s more usual to use either first person, third person omniscient, or third person limited.
Second person has its drawbacks and limitations, but sometimes it’s the exact right point of view for the story, and if that’s the case, then you should go for it.
It can also be an interesting exercise to try writing your current work in progress in second person to look at it from a different angle and see it in a way you may not have been able to see it before.
It’s certainly worth exploring second-person point of view to improve your writing and perhaps find new ways to creat ..read more
Authority Self-Publishing Blog
1y ago
Are you in search of books similar to The Love Hypothesis?
If so, you’ve landed in the right place.
Because today, we’re looking at 15 romance novels that feature either a fake or antagonistic relationship that blossoms into love.
So if you’re ready to get lost in a feel-good story, check out the novels below.
What’s In This Post:
What Is “The Love Hypothesis” About?
15 Books Like The Love Hypothesis That You Should Try
1. The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas
2. The Belle and the Beard by Kate Canterbary
3. Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison
4. People We Meet on Vaca ..read more