Purple Sweet Potato Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache
The Fresh Loaf
by Benito
21h ago
Purple Sweet Potato Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache Submitted by Benito on July 25, 2024 - 4:13pm. I’m back at work for a couple of weeks covering a few of my old colleague’s practices for them while they are on vacation.  Working interferes with my baking and other retirement activities but at least I make a bit of extra money and keeps my mind fresh.  I wanted a quick bake of something to bring to work with me, it seems it is expected now, so a quick loaf/cake came to mind.  I was in Chinatown the day before and picked up a couple of pounds of purple sweet potato with this l ..read more
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Oatmeal SD /YW Whole Grain Large Pullman
The Fresh Loaf
by trailrunner
2d ago
Oatmeal SD /YW Whole Grain Large Pullman Submitted by trailrunner on July 24, 2024 - 6:53am. Adapted from TX Farmers formula which she in turn adapted from Laurels Bread Book. It’s simply outstanding and easy when you remove all the mixer stuff and follow the lead that was started of hands mostly off the dough and let time do the work.  We don’t care for the shreddable crumb instead we like the cake- like fine crumb. So enough about that here’s my variation on a classic.  Levain build:  26g stored starter 43g H2O 80 g flour - I milled Stardust Hard White Wheat mix ferment ..read more
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Attempt at Mini's Favorite 100% Rye Ratio loaf
The Fresh Loaf
by ReneR
6d ago
Attempt at Mini's Favorite 100% Rye Ratio loaf Submitted by ReneR on July 20, 2024 - 5:35am. I have finally managed a 100% wholemeal rye loaf using Mini's Favorite 100% Rye Ratio that I am not too unhappy about. Two previous attempts were not bad taste-wise and both rose well in the proving, but one ended up having the dreaded flying top crust and being quite gummy and the other also gummy, even if slightly less than the first one. The one pictured was made as follows: Used Mini's ratio (1 SD starter, 3.5 water , 4.15 flour), but also added about 1tbs of carob flour that ..read more
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20240719 Walmart toaster oven graniteware bake
The Fresh Loaf
by Yippee
1w ago
20240719 Walmart toaster oven graniteware bake Submitted by Yippee on July 19, 2024 - 9:42pm. Hi friends!  I want to share how I bake decent loaves in this mighty toaster oven. Here’s what I do:  Place the tray in the lowest slot. Put the graniteware roaster (15" oval end-to-end) directly on the tray. Line the graniteware with a layer of aluminum foil. Put the lid on the roaster. Seal the oven door from the inside with a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.  Here are my baking settings:  Cold oven, no preheat Toast 450°F x 15 minutes, check 450°F x 15 minutes ..read more
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Red Miso Honey 30% Whole Wheat Sourdough Sandwich Bread
The Fresh Loaf
by Benito
1w ago
Red Miso Honey 30% Whole Wheat Sourdough Sandwich Bread Submitted by Benito on July 13, 2024 - 9:49am. This past winter I figured out my miscalculation on the salt content of my miso when I realized that I based the salt on the dry weight of the beans when in fact I needed to account on the hydrated weight.  This loaf achieves a nice mild yet distinct flavour of my homemade 1 year fermented red miso.  To balance the flavour I have added a small amount of my friend’s wild flower honey from their beehives.  Other than the addition of the honey, this is otherwise a lean bread sinc ..read more
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No yeast crumpets – in search of a better honeycomb
The Fresh Loaf
by hellen
2w ago
No yeast crumpets – in search of a better honeycomb Submitted by hellen on July 12, 2024 - 8:29am. Sharing this recipe for no yeast crumpets I developed and am quite proud of. I don’t know why this doesn’t exist already (or maybe it does but is just obscure). The no-yeast crumpet recipes I have found previously don’t really have holes on top and looked more like pancakes than crumpets imo. All the recipes for holey crumpets I found on the internet were either made from sourdough discard or some combination of yeast and baking powder/baking soda. I’ve tried a sourdough discard + baking soda c ..read more
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Purple Straw Whole Wheat Potato Rolls
The Fresh Loaf
by Isand66
2w ago
Purple Straw Whole Wheat Potato Rolls Submitted by Isand66 on July 10, 2024 - 10:33am. 1JUL These were made with freshly ground soft white wheat Purple Straw grain berries which is a heritage grain. This is another unique and hard to find wheat berry from Barton Springs Mill. It is not really meant to be used in bread, but rather biscuits, pancakes, pizza etc. but I wanted to try some in rolls. From the site: This Colonial Era wheat hasn’t been tasted in over 50 years and we’ve worked hard to revive it for you! This Colonial Era honeyed wheat is most applicable in delicate sit ..read more
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Walnut Pepita 35% Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread
The Fresh Loaf
by Benito
2w ago
Walnut Pepita 35% Whole Wheat Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread Submitted by Benito on July 6, 2024 - 6:40am. Since my last two loaves were for family members I am low on bread again.  I toasted some walnuts and decided to combine it with pepitas (pumpkin seeds) for a loaf.  I love the flavor you get from the addition of nuts and seeds to bread.  For this loaf I baked it once the total rise was 140%.  I use an aliquot jar to measure this, a company called BillieOlive makes them.  I’ve doing testing of their aliquot jars for them and most recently, they made a new one that ..read more
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Aussie lady visiting Wisconsin
The Fresh Loaf
by yozzause
2w ago
Aussie lady visiting Wisconsin Submitted by yozzause on July 6, 2024 - 2:13am. Hi TFL folks anyone near OSHKOH I have a fellow Aussie Baker visiting the airshow with her partner  and she would love to have a coffee and chat with any bakers in the general area. She is currently at the Sydney  departure lounge and on her way shortly. i will pass on any details . kind regards  Derek ..read more
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Red Pepper Mozzarella WW Spelt SD
The Fresh Loaf
by Isand66
3w ago
Red Pepper Mozzarella WW Spelt SD Submitted by Isand66 on July 5, 2024 - 6:24pm.   I’ve been experimenting the last bunch of bakes with something new for me. Instead of doing a short bulk at around 78-80 F and then finishing the bulk in the refrigerator for 12-34 hours, I’ve been doing a longer bulk at 80 F and letting the dough rise around 30%. I have then been doing a pre-shape letting it sit for 15 – 20 minutes and then shaping and placing in bannetons, covering and putting it in the refrigerator for 12 hours and baking right from the refrigerator. I’ve been trying to get more consis ..read more
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