Colleen Charney Blog
Colleen Charney Blog
10M ago
Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, content creator, or sell physical products then Instagram is the place to be.
Yes, even in 2024.
As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say that now more than ever Instagram has an extremely intelligent algorithm that is able to recognize your content and messaging and push it out to the right people.
Which means that it is your job to have a strategic content plan so the algorithm knows where to send your content.
But getting eyes on your content really isn’t enough.
You need a plan to turn those views into follow ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
10M ago
Lets talk about how to grow on Instagram ORGANICALLY in 2024.
Because in case you weren’t aware, paid ads aren’t always what they seem.
Yes, paid ads can be a great way to get leads into your business, BUT they aren’t always reliable, they fluctuate, and at the end of the day you are paying for every single lead which means it’s subject to market value which also means rates can and will fluctuate.
So if you are a small business owner, coach, consultant, or content creator of any sort, then you are going to want to watch this entire video and implement everything you learn
B ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
11M ago
Hello my friend!
I have just completed my third month on Youtube and today I wanted to update you on my thoughts about the app. The good, the bad, the ugly, and most importantly, if it is something that you should consider putting time into.
I’ve built multiple audiences on multiple platforms including pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, my blog, and my email list and one thing I wish I would have done with all of them is post about my journey in the early stages.
Because let’s be honest, there is a good amount of effort involved with building an audience and the beginning can feel, well, grooling ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
11M ago
As a stay at home mom, I have found this to be the easiest side hustle of 2024.
With it I’ve made over $32,000 while staying home and raising my babies and you can too.
You don’t need a degree, to build a team, resell a course, or to start a drop shipping business.
You don’t need to get a certification or really anything other than an idea that’s inside of you.
Watch this video to the end to see if this side hustle seems like a good fit for you and then follow the exact roadmap that I’m going to give to you.
If you’re new here, Hi I’m Colleen and I started my business from my phone in th ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
Hello my friends today I’m going to show you how to get started using ChatGPT as a content creator and by the end of this post/video I’m pretty sure that I am going to have you convinced that you can’t afford not to learn how to use chatGPT in your business.
Make sure to watch the video until the end because I am going to show you how to customize your ChatGPT account so that it will generate responses in your overall brand voice consistently.
My name is Colleen and I’m a stay at home mom turned entrepreneur and on this blog I’m sharing all sorts of hacks on how to work smarter not ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
If you have been seeing all sorts of posts talking about selling digital products on etsy, and want to know if it’s actually a good idea before you get started, then this post/video is for you!
Hi, I’m Colleen and I sold over $52k worth of digital products in a very passive way without ever even opening the etsy app.
Today, I’m going to share with you why you should NOT sell digital products on Etsy and what you should do instead.
But before we get started, I created a guide that contains over 200 digital product ideas to help you get started
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who is secretly obsessed with learning how to leverage social media, and is not interested in reselling a course, chasing brand deals or building a team.
But if you are interested in developing a rock solid mindset, sustainable business plan and automated sales system, then this post is for you.
You can check out the full video here!
I’m Colleen and I turned my love for curly hair care into over $52k worth of digital products and now I teach coaches, consultants, and pretty much anyone who has a des ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
Hey friends! It’s Colleen and today I’m going to share with you the single most important thing you need to do before you launch your business idea.
This is literally the number of mistakes that determines the likelihood of your business flopping or being wildly successful. It’s literally that important.
Make sure to watch this video until the end because I am going to show you how to use a free tool to get REAL numbers and analytics to help you choose a niche based on fact, not feelings.
PLUS it will help you identify high ranking keywords within your niche so that you can rank pa ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
So you are finally ready to take this content creation thing to a full time gig? Or maybe you are finally ready to start that business you’ve been wanting to start for years and want a specific roadmap on how to make it successful as quickly as possible.
Either way, today I am going to share exactly how you can Become A Full Time Content Creator In 12 Months Or Less: Your Exact Roadmap.
And I am excited to tell you that there has never been a better time to start building an online business as a content creator.
My goal for this post is that you walk away with a very specific roadm ..read more
Colleen Charney Blog
1y ago
Hey Friends!
Writing this post feels surreal because this moment has been something that I prayed, manifested, and worked for for a very long time.
It also feels weird because for whatever reason, talking about money feels cringe.
In the world we live in, no matter how we frame the story, someone seems to always get their panties in a bunch when you start talking about money.
….& I get it. It’s a loaded topic.
Update: Since the original post I actually brought in more sales. My total for this month is currently $14,451,00 and as of now there ae three days left in th ..read more