She said Blog
She said Blog
5M ago
Liebe Lesende und potenzielle Kund*innen,
Danke, dass ihr euch aktiv an unseren Vorsätzen und Aktivitäten beteiligt!
Als Buchhandlung und Café bietet She said einen Raum für Autorinnen und queere Autor*innen, wobei wir einen starken Fokus auf Intersektionalität und marginalisierte Stimmen legen.
She said ist ein öffentlicher Raum und wird daher nie ein vollkommener “Safe Space” sein. Gleichzeitig ist es uns ein großes Anliegen, dass sich alle bei uns wohlfühlen können. Um das zu gewährleisten, sind uns folgende Punkte wichtig.
Bei She said dulden wir keine Form der Diskriminierung ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
Elise Shepley explores how cake has been used as a tool of socialist activism, tracing it's history from castles to kitchens to instagram.  ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
The author gives us a personal essay on coffee, its cultural contexts and colonialism ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
Lina Ehrentraut im Interview mit Malwine Stauss zu Linas Comic "Melek + Ich". Ein Comic über emotionale Verwicklung, Selbstliebe und -hass, Sci-Fi, Sex, Körperlichkeit und auch aber nicht vor Allem Queerness.  ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
Lizzy Yarwood discusses the glowing promises of Lunarpunk and questions whether its current storytelling modes engage fruitfully with the complications of utopia ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
How queer was Berlin in the 1920s really? Emily Wilson compares Christopher Isherwood's beloved novels to the lesser-known story collection of Granand, which unapologetically celebrates the beauty of queer joy ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
Ten Women (2010), Marcela Serrano: A group of women, very different from each other and who have never met before, share their stories. Natasha, their therapist, has decided to bring them together in the conviction that wounds begin to heal when the chains of silence are broken. Ten women from very different economic, social and cultural realities, it has a particularly intersectional look at Latin American feminism, one that we need.
Dominique Clarke ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
Wie ein Podcast mit der Buchhandlung Lüders aus Hamburg mir gezeigt hat, warum ich eine Buchhandlung gründe ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
"OH. MY. GODDESS. Where was this book when I was growing up? I often think about the kids growing up nowadays and I wished I could have escaped the suffocating, heteronormative world I was living in through Juno Dawson’s book.."
Salomée dishes out another critical and fun book review, this time on Juno Dawson´s "Her Majesty´s Royal Coven", a redemption for all our cute queer (ex-) fans of Harry Potter.  ..read more
She said Blog
1y ago
The queer and the eerie meet in Julia Armfield's debut horror novel, Our Wives Under the Sea. Talia Meer discusses the terror of queer love stuck in heteronormative relations ..read more