Jesus, the Revolutionary, Part 2
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
21h ago
You don’t have to be a pastor or an evangelist to be a witness for Christ. Are you comfortable sharing your faith, or does it make you a little uneasy? Today, Ron reminds us that we’ve not only been called to be witnesses for Christ, we’ve been equipped to fulfill that calling.   --- Support this podcast: more
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Jesus, the Revolutionary, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
2d ago
We’ve got a real treat for you today, as Ron launches his teaching series, “AD: Acts of the Apostles,” which will take us back to the very beginning of the church. How it got started. How it grew. We kick things off next with a two-part message about the way Jesus revolutionized the world and laid the foundation for what we now call the church age.  --- Support this podcast: more
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The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats, Part 2
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
3d ago
Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. We read those words in Matthew twenty-five, verse thirty-two. What does it mean, and when does this judgment take place? Answers come your way next, as Ron wraps up his teaching series,“What On Earth Is Happening: Examining the Prophecies of Jesus.”   --- Support this podcast: more
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The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
4d ago
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with Him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. That’s Matthew twenty-five, thirty-one, and this is Something Good. Just days before Jesus went to the cross to pay for the sin of mankind, He said these words to His disciples in what is known as the Olivet Discourse. Today, Ron takes us there, to that day of both joy and judgment, as he continues his teaching series, “What on Earth is Happening: Examining the Prophecies of Jesus.”  --- Support this podcast: more
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Faithful to the End, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
1w ago
What does it mean to be faithful? Today, Ron explores one of the most well-known parables of Jesus. It’s about stewardship, money management, but most of all, it’s about being faithful in all things, just as God is always faithful to us.   --- Support this podcast: more
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The Midnight Cry, Part 2
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
1w ago
The difference between religion and redemption, on this Tuesday edition of Something Good Radio. In Matthew chapter twenty-five, Jesus shares the Parable of the Ten Virgins with His disciples. It’s a story about marriage, but more importantly, about the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the church. Ron unpacks this parable today as he continues his teaching series, “What On Earth Is Happening: Examining the Prophecies of Jesus.”   --- Support this podcast: more
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The Midnight Cry, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
1w ago
When Jesus comes again, He will return like a thief in the night. He’ll also be coming like a groom for His bride. Well, what does marriage have to do with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Perhaps much more than you may have guessed. Ron dives into the subject next, as he continues his teaching series, “What On Earth Is Happening: Examining the Prophecies of Jesus.”    --- Support this podcast: more
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What Angels Wish They Knew, Part 2
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
1w ago
Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. In Luke twenty-one, verse twenty-seven, Jesus spoke those words in reference to His Second Coming, a future event that has been described as the most climactic event in human history. No one knows the day or the hour, but the question Ron wants to ask you today is, in light of what will happen then, how should you be living now.  --- Support this podcast: more
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What Angels Wish They Knew, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
1w ago
The secret things belong to the Lord our God. Deuteronomy twenty-nine, twenty-nine. What are these secret things God is keeping to Himself? Well, there’s one thing in particular, about which almost all of us, believers and unbelievers alike … have been curious for Centuries. Even the angels don’t have the answer.  Ron takes us to heaven’s most closely guarded secret next, as he continues his teaching series, “What On Earth Is Happening?  Examining the Prophecies of Jesus.”   --- Support this podcast: more
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The Worst of Times on Planet Earth, Part 1
Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones
by Something Good Radio
2w ago
It’s been called the darkest hour in human history. It hasn’t taken place yet, but it will, maybe sooner than we think. Today, Ron takes us to Matthew chapters twenty four and twenty five, a section of Scripture known as the Olivet Discourse.  Included in this passage is a word of warning, and a word of encouragement. “In this world you will have tribulation,” Jesus said.  “But take heart; I have overcome the world.”   --- Support this podcast: more
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