I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Addiction Professional, and experienced Psychedelic Therapist trained through the MDMA-assisted therapy program at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). I assist my clients with preparation and counseling, legal psychedelic medicine journeys, and integration sessions on their inner path to healing.
1y ago
Inviting Your Inner Healer
There are many names for this Inner Healer part, including Divine Self, Buddha Nature, Loving Presence, Higher Power, God and Goddess, Creative Intelligence, Divine Matrix, Universe, Christ Within ,and Tao, known by many names, but all the same healing presence of inner being ness that is part of you.
Your inner healing journey is realized when you are open and willing to meet all the parts of yourself. Then you have the possibility of meeting your Inner Healer ,which is already apart of your inner world and within you all the time.
You have an Inner Healer ri ..read more
1y ago
Preparing for Your Psychedelic Journey
There is a vulnerability when entering non-ordinary states of consciousness. It creates a feeling of safety within you and deals with any fears that may arise while on the journey .Preparation for the psychedelic journey is preparing yourself to take a deep dive into your being. It is not as much a leave-taking as it is an inner homecoming.
Knowing and regularly doing grounding techniques, breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, spiritual activity, personal ritual, and ceremony are necessary to ready your self to be on the psychedelic journey ..read more
1y ago
Spirit Healer Poem By:GayLynnGrigas
I am power.
I am soul unfolding.
I am the lotus with petals of wisdom opening.
I am the candle that illumines the mind.
I am the sage and fire that cleanses.
I am the drum that beats in rhythm with the heart drum.
I am the resurrection.
I die to the old and celebrate the emergence of the new.
I honor the ancient wisdom of the ages.
I am the communion of all people.
I am the pain of love and the joy of sorrow.
I am honest, reflecting, risking, and sharing.
I am the trust that opens and heals.
I am wholeness.
I am being, belonging, and be coming in ex ..read more
1y ago
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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
(KAP) is a form of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy, a cutting-edge treatment approach to mental health that is well-established by decades of medical research. Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy refers to the professionally supervised use of ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, or other psychedelics as part of an established psychotherapy treatment program. Currently, ketamine is the only psychedelic legally available for use in the United States. This treatment is both legal and safe.
Ketamine as a Psychedelic Treatment ..read more
1y ago
An Inward Journey
Psychedelic medicine journeys particularly with the eye shades and headphones are typically more introverted and an inward journey. As such, the person on the journey is inwardly turned and the senses are heightened. With the psychedelic medicine journey, there can be astounding sensitivity to sights, sounds, smells, and lights. The journey can be internally rich with fractals patterns and colors. It is a place where colors can make sounds and sounds can make colors. The ancestors may come for a visit. A tree or animal may speak and share a message. A luminescent guide may ..read more
1y ago
The path of metaphysics, mysticism, and psychedelics are intersections that are essential to understanding to gain perspective on the inner world and the psychedelic pathway. Each of these is needed to truly know the other. Let us start with some basic definitions.
What is metaphysics?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Metaphysics is a type of study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and gain some understanding of it. Metaphysic ..read more
1y ago
We are only beginning to see the ways we might incorporate the use of non-addictive psychedelics into a vibrant program of recovery. This may seem paradoxical to use a psychedelic drug to help overcome another drug. Not necessarily, when you understand addiction is sometimes defined as “spiritual bankruptcy.” Often characterized as being an emptiness or hole in the soul. Addictions have devastating consequences. The addicted person is trying to fill an inner emptiness with anything and everything. Until, in the end, there is just the experience of being sick and tired of being sick and tired ..read more
1y ago
We can ask for a dream to help us understand what is happening in our life. When we are disturbed, we can write in our journal about our feelings and get in the flow of our inner guidance and movement of our life. We can feel ourselves as channels through which wisdom flows to bring the guidance we need. Find someone that you can share your dreams with. Decide that you are going to listen to your dreams, that you are willing to change, you are willing to grow, you are willing to give consent to the higher action within you. Willingness always proceeds growth and change.
Sometimes our higher s ..read more
1y ago
The first inner pathway is through psychedelic medicine which opens us to multiple dimensions beyond the one we are in now. It offers the experience of glimpsing our existence from a wider lens of perception creating a potential for mystical openness. Psychedelics offer the direct experience of numinosity through a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Utilizing psychedelic medicine is like entering into the dream realm only we are aware, awake, and more lucid in the experience.
This is not an altering of consciousness but instead an expansion and increasing of consciousness which opens us ..read more