#86: Where the Gospel Met Love Thy Neighborhood
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
1M ago
Christians say that the Lord is the author of our faith, but what happens when a ministry reaches its final chapter? The story of Love Thy Neighborhood’s grassroots beginnings, the surprising twists of a decade of ministry, and the challenge of trusting God enough to let go. Learn about how to start your own young adult gap year program: lovethyneighborhood.org/box Credits Special thank you to our interviewees: Jordan Smith, Bonnie Epperson, Kiana Brown, Daniel Morrison, Caleb Hansen, Rachel Hamm, and AB Hernandez. Senior producer and host is Jesse Eubanks. This episode was produced, edited, a ..read more
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#85.5: Things We Couldn’t Say (About Education)
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
2M ago
In the last episode, we explored stories of Christians trying to figure out the best way to educate their children. In today’s episode, Jesse Eubanks and Anna Tran reflect on things they couldn’t say about education, including Christians leaving the public school system and how income inequality affects education. They interview Ray Pennings, Executive Vice President and co-founder of Cardus, a leading Canadian think tank. He is also a publisher of Comment magazine. They talk about educational pluralism and schools for the public good. Finally, Anna talks with Amber O’Neal Johnston, a homescho ..read more
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#85: Where the Gospel Meets Education
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
2M ago
Christians say that parents should raise their children in the faith, but what happens when our education systems complicate things? What do parents do with all the existing options? Stories of adults trying to figure out what is best for our children. Resources Aletheia Academy: www.gospelchurchdurango.com/aletheia-academy McFalls Academy: www.mcfallsacademy.com Jenny’s story was originally featured in Christianity Today:  www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2022/october-web-only/christian-public-school-teachers-family-exodus-education.html  Jenn Wilkin original video: youtube.com/watch?v ..read more
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#85: Where the Gospel Meets Education
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
2M ago
Christians say that parents should raise their children in the faith, but what happens when our education systems complicate things? What do parents do with all the existing options? Stories of adults trying to figure out what is best for our children. Resources Aletheia Academy: www.gospelchurchdurango.com/aletheia-academy McFalls Academy: www.mcfallsacademy.com Jenny’s story was originally featured in Christianity Today:  www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2022/october-web-only/christian-public-school-teachers-family-exodus-education.html  Jenn Wilken original video: youtube.com/watch?v ..read more
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#50.5: Things We Couldn’t Say (About Fake News)
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
3M ago
In the last episode, we explored the consequences of believing lies, how the “King of Fake News” got his crown, and how a librarian is rallying Christians to push back against fake news. In today’s episode, Jesse Eubanks and Anna Tran reflect on things they couldn’t say about fake news - including how bias influences our susceptibility to fake news and nine tips to help you spot it. They interview Dr. Greg Bock, author of the book, QAnon, Chaos, and the Cross Christianity and Conspiracy Theories, about the connections between Christians, fake news, and conspiracy. Finally, Anna talks with Ben ..read more
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#50: Where the Gospel Meets Fake News
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
4M ago
Christians say they believe in pursuing the truth, but what happens when we can’t tell the difference between truth and deception? The story of how the "King of Fake News" got his crown, the consequences of believing lies, and how a librarian is rallying Christians to push back. This episode is in partnership with The Holy Post and co-hosted by Skye Jethani. This episode originally aired in November 2021. To learn more about Rachel Wightman's class: www.racheliwightman.com To hear the full interview with Jestin Coler: youtube.com/watch?v=NaqhZeusKd0 ..read more
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#84.5: Things We Couldn't Say (About Tim Keller)
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
4M ago
In the last episode, we explored what happened after Tim Keller became a Christian. In today’s episode, Jesse Eubanks and Anna Tran reflect on things they couldn’t say about Tim Keller - including how he responded to critics and his vision for cities. Anna talks with Al Santino about today’s Gospel movement in New York City. Resources: Learn more about Al Santino's work: citytocity.nyc Article A New Kind of Urban Christian: www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2006/may/1.36.html Critiques about Tim Keller: www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2022/05/how-i-evolved-on-tim-keller Contextualizing Tim Kell ..read more
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#84: Where the Gospel Meets Tim Keller
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
4M ago
They called him the C.S. Lewis of the 21st century. A pastor, author and intellectual giant, his ministry in New York City inspired Christians around the world with a vision for following Jesus in a post-Christian culture. But, who was he really? This week, on the first anniversary of his passing, we explore the life, legacy, and secret life of Timothy Keller. Audio of Collin Hansen was used with permission from The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast and The Speak Life Podcast. Donate to the ministry: https://lovethyneighborhood.org/donate/ Resources Jon’s podcast InterVarsity World Changers ..read more
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#83: Where the Gospel Meets Consumerism
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
4M ago
Christians say that our treasure lies in heaven, but do our habits truly reflect that? What happens when Christians become fed up with consuming far more than they need? Resources becomingminimalist.com Sermons from Brad Orginal Christianity Today article about Edna Ruth Byler More about Edna Ruth Byler To hear one of our other episodes related to the topic of money and possessions, check out episode #17: Where the Gospel Meets Wealth. Statistics referenced: Electricity consumption U.S. Environmental Footprint Factsheet Credits Special thanks to our interviewees Joshua Becker, Brad McMa ..read more
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#84: Where the Gospel Meets Tim Keller
Love Thy Neighborhood
by Love Thy Neighborhood
5M ago
They called him the C.S. Lewis of the 21st century. A pastor, author and intellectual giant, his ministry in New York City inspired Christians around the world with a vision for following Jesus in a post-Christian culture. But, who was he really? This week, on the first anniversary of his passing, we explore the life, legacy, and secret life of Timothy Keller. Audio of Collin Hansen was used with permission from The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast and The Speak Life Podcast. Donate to the ministry: https://lovethyneighborhood.org/donate/ Resources Jon’s podcast InterVarsity World Changers ..read more
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