Handling Emotional Challenges: Family Gatherings and Questions from Loved Ones
Keith Family Law Blog
by Heather Keith
8h ago
During the holiday season, families and friends gather to reconnect with loved ones. If you’re newly divorced, these events are an emotional minefield. Well-meaning but intrusive questions can challenge your emotions, and post-divorce holidays require thoughtful preparation and a focus on maintaining a positive atmosphere for your children. Here’s how to handle family dynamics and emotional […] The post Handling Emotional Challenges: Family Gatherings and Questions from Loved Ones appeared first on Keith Family Law ..read more
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Creating a Holiday Co-Parenting Plan That Puts Your Kids First
Keith Family Law Blog
by Heather Keith
1M ago
For divorced or separated parents, the holiday season takes a lot of careful planning and consideration to make sure the children have a joyful experience. The goal of a holiday co-parenting plan is to keep your children’s best interests at the forefront and minimize stress and confusion. Here’s a guide to creating a thoughtful co-parenting plan […] The post Creating a Holiday Co-Parenting Plan That Puts Your Kids First appeared first on Keith Family Law ..read more
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Preparing for the First Holiday Season After Divorce: Setting Expectations and Priorities
Keith Family Law Blog
by Heather Keith
1M ago
The first holiday season after a divorce is sure to be emotionally charged, bringing unique challenges for you and your children. Balancing traditions, navigating family dynamics, and managing the holidays post-divorce can be confusing and overwhelming. With clear expectations and a few proactive steps, you can make this season be a meaningful, positive experience for yourself […] The post Preparing for the First Holiday Season After Divorce: Setting Expectations and Priorities appeared first on Keith Family Law ..read more
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Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce: Can Advocacy Be a Team Sport?
Keith Family Law Blog
by Heather Keith
1M ago
by Heather C. Keith and Bruce David Cohen Collaborative family law practice has made significant inroads in New Jersey. Eight member groups make up the New Jersey Council for Collaborative Practice Groups (NJCCPG). These groups include attorneys, mental health neutrals, financial neutrals, and associate members statewide.1 Still other practice groups function Strong emotional component—will benefit when there is […] The post Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce: Can Advocacy Be a Team Sport? appeared first on Keith Family Law ..read more
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7 Ways to Manage Sadness and Anxiety During Your Divorce
Keith Family Law Blog
by Cecile Parages
8M ago
By Heather C. Keith When you and your soon-to-be-ex were saying your vows, you probably didn’t imagine ending your marriage. You’re definitely not alone, as more than 782,000 couples divorce each year in the U.S. That’s nearly 2,142 divorces per day and 15,039 divorces per week—or one divorce every approximately 40 seconds.  Translation: In the time it takes one couple to say their wedding vows, another three couples end their marriages. Yes, divorce is a stressful and painful process, whether you split amicably or you endure a long, contentious court battle. Either w ..read more
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