Art's Fish Room
Explore comprehensive guides on Aquarium maintenance and Fish-keeping. This page offers incisive information and knowledge on how to rear and keep your pet fish in optimal conditions. Find out more about the various species of fish currently bred by Art's Fish Room, ongoing projects, and ideas for success in the aquarium hobby.
Art's Fish Room
1M ago
Whether you’re just starting your fishkeeping journey or looking to add some vibrant colour to your aquarium, these delightful little fish are a fantastic choice. This post explores their origins, care needs, and why they’re a must-have for fishkeepers of all levels. The Basics: What Are Golden White Cloud Minnows? The Golden White Cloud Minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) is a shimmering gold variant of the classic White Cloud Mountain Minnow. Originating from the White Cloud Mountains in southeastern China, these fish are accustomed to the cool, clear streams of their natural habitat. The water in ..read more
Art's Fish Room
1M ago
Are you dealing with a pest snail infestation in your aquarium? Learn how Anentome helena, commonly known as the assassin snail, can naturally control unwanted snails while adding beauty to your tank. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about assassin snail care, including ideal tank setup, water parameters, feeding habits, breeding tips, and compatible tank mates. Discover why assassin snails are a low-maintenance and effective solution for pest control in freshwater aquariums ..read more
Art's Fish Room
1M ago
Starting an aquarium is an exciting journey that brings nature into your home. However, the vast amount of information can overwhelm beginners. This cheat sheet simplifies the setup and maintenance process, covering tank size, fish species, essential equipment, and maintenance tips. It’s your resource for creating a beautiful underwater haven. Turn your aquarium dreams into reality, ensuring a happy and healthy home for your fish ..read more
Art's Fish Room
1M ago
Discover the vibrant world of Red Rili shrimp, a stunning variety of Neocaridina davidi that can transform your aquarium into a captivating underwater landscape. With their striking red heads and translucent midsections, these shrimp are not only visually appealing but also relatively easy to care for and breed. Whether you're a seasoned aquarist or a beginner, our practical guide will walk you through the essentials of breeding Rili shrimp at home, from creating the perfect tank environment to understanding their unique coloration. Dive in and unlock the secrets to a thriving shrimp populatio ..read more
Art's Fish Room
2M ago
Introduction Whether just starting out or building on years of experience, you’ve probably heard about the importance of pH in your aquarium. So what is pH, and why does it matter so much? Simply put, pH measures how acidic or basic your water is, and it plays a huge role in the health of your fish, shrimp, and plants. This guide to pH will break down the basics of pH, explain why it’s critical for your aquarium, and give you practical tips to help you create ideal water conditions for both fish and shrimp. What is pH? pH stands for “potential of hydrogen.” It’s measured on a scale from 0 to 1 ..read more
Art's Fish Room
2M ago
The Odessa barb, a jewel of the freshwater aquarium, is beloved for its striking colours and energetic personality. Originating from Southeast Asia, the Odessa barb is a favourite among fishkeepers for its ease of care and compatibility with community tanks. In this spotlight, we’ll explore what makes Odessa barbs special and how to provide the ideal environment for them. Natural Habitat and Origins Odessa barbs are native to Myanmar (Burma), where they inhabit slow-moving rivers, ponds, and lakes. They prefer environments rich in aquatic vegetation and thrive in subtropical climates. Physical ..read more
Art's Fish Room
4M ago
Understanding Fish Nutrition It’s important to understand what fish need nutritionally. Like any other animal, fish require a balanced diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients significantly impact their growth, health, and even reproduction. The Role of Protein Protein is especially important in a fish’s diet. For example, studies on neon tetras show that diets with a higher protein content lead to better growth and overall health. When these fish were fed diets containing 45% to 55% protein, they exhibited better weight gain compared to those o ..read more
Art's Fish Room
6M ago
Explore funky, creative wearables featuring aquarium-themed designs ..read more
How to treat ich (white spot disease) successfully in freshwater aquariums with salt and rooibos tea
Art's Fish Room
6M ago
Ich can be devastating in an aquarium. This post will show you how to treat ich successfully using natural remedies that are easily available.
<p>The post How to treat ich (white spot disease) successfully in freshwater aquariums with salt and rooibos tea first appeared on Art's Fish Room.</p> ..read more
Art's Fish Room
6M ago
The Kuhli loach (Pangio kuhlii) is a fascinating and popular choice for freshwater aquariums. These eel-like fish are known for their unique appearance and interesting behavior, making them a great addition to any tank. This species spotlight explores these interesting fish and shares how best to care for them. Appearance and Behaviour Kuhli loaches are easily recognized by their slender, elongated bodies which resemble tiny eels. They typically grow to about 8-10 cm in length […]
<p>The post Species Spotlight: Kuhli Loach first appeared on Art's Fish Room.</p> ..read more