Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
This is another fun volume of adventures. They seem to be building to something bigger in a future story. The Withered Field--Usagi travels to a dojo to try his skill against another martial arts school. Nakamura Koji is already there and working his way through the best students. The master is absent on a trip but the guy left in charge does not want some wandering samurai (either Usagi or Koji) to show up the school. When Koji does, it sets some more conflicts in motion. The story is interesting and leaves on a cliffhanger that supposed to be resolved in a year when Koji faces the teacher wh ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
The action is plentiful in this volume. It's well balanced with the backstories and plot expositions by the various characters. Everyone has their own agendas, plans, and desires for the Nameless City. The story ends happily, tying up lots of loose ends and bringing this world to a better place. The characters are interesting, even the bad guys. I enjoyed the story a lot ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
Highly recommended--this is a great coming-of-age story, all the better because it is true ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
The biography is told in vignettes, with each incident in Ali's life showing some of his character and how he dealt with others and thought of himself. It provides a fascinating portrait of the man and his greatness. written by Marc Bernardin and art by Ron Salas This graphic novel biography goes through the highlights and important events of the life of Muhammad Ali, the American boxer who became world famous for many reasons. The most significant is his success in the boxing ring. He also had a lot of character, exhibiting a sense of humor and brashness. He liked himself a lot and often took ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
Overall I found it interesting though it borrows a lot from other properties. The even-more-decadent Las Vegas has had plenty of iterations. Radiation enducing powers is a staple of Marvel Comics. There's a little bit of Mad Max/Road Warrior stuff thrown in too. Geiger is a reluctant hero who only uses his powers when he feels forced to. The plot ranges around, letting the creators establish the world. I wasn't wowed by this book but I would read more ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
written by Christopher Cantwell, art by Angel Unzueta, and colors by Marissa Louise , maybe too many. The dramatics feel a bit like reruns from other stories and make the overall narrative less interesting than it should be. Also, this is part of some other concurrent stories (as referenced by footnotes) so it has the MCU problem of keeping up with a large variety of narrative threads. If you are a die-hard Trekkie, you'll get everything (though, you have to have read other contemporary comics). Otherwise, some surprise twists and character revelations are not so surprising. A reader can't say ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
The series was original published in black and white (probably for budgetary reasons). The color is natural and helps things along. There's nothing earth-shattering or insightful here, just a fun read ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
As in the previous World War I tale, Hale has the characters as anthropomorphic animals to keep the nationalities straight (Russians are bears, British are bulldogs, Germans are eagles, Americans are rabbits (since the Germans had eagles first), etc.). It works well and fits the comic-book style. As usual, the book ends with a bibliography and some other historic tidbits ..read more
Zombie Parents Guide » Comics
2M ago
The story is very interesting and the characters are delightful. This book sets up a lot of the world and makes some fascinating moves at the end, making me definitely want to read the next volume ..read more