3 Habits To Develop If You Want To Take Your Muay Thai Skills To The Next Level
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Celina Lin
1w ago
Muay Thai is more than a physical endeavor. The people who develop quickly, recover from setbacks with hardly a stumble and, eventually, rise to become the best in the sport, have more tools on their belt than the discipline and dedication that bring them to training week in, week out, all year round. While you ..read more
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What To Do If Your Push Kick Gets Caught In Muay Thai
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
1w ago
The teep, also known as the push kick, is perhaps the most underrated weapon in Muay Thai. Those uninitiated in the sport only notice that the lead leg teep, the most commonly utilized variation of this technique, rarely generates knockout power which leads them to incorrectly assume that the strike is ineffective. In reality, the ..read more
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The Impact Of Music On Training Focus And Performance In Martial Arts
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
3w ago
Everyone who trains in martial arts has been there before. You walk inside the gym and put on your gear while music pumps through the gym’s speakers. You might be a little tired when you walk into the gym, but the music quickly changes your mood, and you’re eager to start training. Music is one ..read more
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6 Essential Rotational Strength Drills For Punches And Kicks
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
1M ago
In striking-based combat sports like Boxing and Muay Thai, developing explosive rotational strength will increase the power behind all your strikes. Good striking technique dictates that you generate torque by twisting your lower body and torso as you throw, transferring the rotational energy generated into your strikes. Watch videos of any of your favorite knockout ..read more
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The Importance Of Eye Contact In Martial Arts: Using Your Gaze To Read Your Opponent
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
1M ago
Eye contact is a tool that humans and other species use to absorb and relay information. For example, staring contests are one way that animals establish dominance and hierarchies. Humans also interpret steady eye contact as a sign of confidence, interest, and, sometimes, aggression. These fun facts hold true; even in the practice of martial ..read more
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Are You Making These Bad Habits In Your Martial Arts Training?
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
1M ago
Anyone can develop bad habits at the gym, regardless of how long they’ve been training. These habits often build up over time and can prevent you from progressing as quickly as you want. Mastering any martial art is about building up the correct muscle memory so you can execute techniques whenever an opportunity presents itself ..read more
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Breaking The Plateau: How To Keep Progressing After Years In Martial Arts
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
2M ago
Hitting plateaus is a natural part of training. Most people are excited to learn new techniques, improve their fitness, and earn a few belts when they start training, but that initial enthusiasm can fade. Your martial arts skills improve rapidly when you first start training since you don’t know anything, but your growth eventually slows ..read more
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Why Martial Artists Need A Strong Core: Best Exercises For Functional Strength
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
2M ago
A solid core is the foundation that allows martial artists to perform many techniques in these ancient styles. Your core is the group of muscles in your hips and midsection that surround your spine, and it’s engaged every time you perform any of the countless punching, kicking, or takedowns used in martial arts. The specific ..read more
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Orthodox or Southpaw? Figuring Out the Right Fighting Stance for You
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
3M ago
Choosing between the orthodox and southpaw stances used in striking-based martial arts like Muay Thai, Dutch Kickboxing, and Boxing is a lot more complicated than the standard orthodox for right-handed fighters and southpaw for left-handed one’s conversation. While your dominant hand impacts how well you fight out of either stance when you’re new to fighting ..read more
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Beginners Guide On Muay Thai For Self-Defense
Evolve University Blog » Muay Thai
by Evolve University
3M ago
Muay Thai has gained mainstream popularity in recent years, as many MMA fighters use it for their striking base. Aside from being a highly effective striking style in the ring, Muay Thai is also one of the best martial arts for self-defense. The art of eight limbs provides options for all ranges, from long teeps ..read more
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