The Magic Trawler
Welcome aboard "The Magic Trawler" where we like to cast a very wide net over the last 500 years of Modern History and identify how germanely it explains today's social & political culture.
The Magic Trawler
10M ago
One of Adolf Hitler’s many pipe dreams, was that one day, Germany’s capital city of Berlin would be rebuilt into the Capital of the World, and be given a grand new name – Germania. The Masterplan Hitler, together with his friend and...
The post The Volkshalle – The Ultimate Nazi Megastructure first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
By the late 19th Century, the scramble for Africa by the European Empires had begun. Germany was a little late to the party, focusing instead on consuming its central European neighbours. Eventually, in an effort to compete with Britain and France, they...
The post German South West Africa first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
When the Empires of Europe bought their slaves from Africa, they put many of them to work on the lush plantations in the Caribbean colonies. The British had Jamaica, Barbados, the Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands. The Spanish had Cuba, Puerto...
The post Slave Revolt Successful! first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
History is littered with false narratives. Over time, these myths can end up being accepted, at least by popular culture, as fact. For example, much of what is attributed to the life of Henry VIII actually comes from the Shakespeare play of...
The post The Urban Legend of the Bermuda Triangle. first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
When the troops from Charlie company arrived in Vietnam in December 1967, they instantly bonded with the locals. The first few weeks featured more socialising than any actual fighting. This was not the War they were expecting, and it was great. But...
The post The Bloody Massacre at My Lai first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
Our story begins at the Berlin Conference in 1884, where a group of World Leaders (which actually means European Leaders) met with the purpose of dividing up their new colonial enterprise called Africa. The Empires of Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, and the...
The post Belgians in the Congo first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
Now I am become Death… In August 1945, the United States detonated 2 Atomic bombs over Japan. The first destroyed the city of Hiroshima on Monday the 6th. The second, more powerful bomb, destroyed the city of Nagasaki, just 3 days later....
The post Nuclear Stockpiles first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
IN THE BEGINNING On June the 14th, 1928, Ernesto Guevara is born in Rosario, Argentina, to Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna. “Che” was a nickname he would get later in life. His parents were left-leaning middle class professionals of...
The post Why is Che Guevara so famous? first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
With so much attention given, understandably, to the catastrophic 20 year War in Iraq, not much has been said about the preceding events. It is these events which created the bad blood that exists between the USA & Iraq. No, not the...
The post Remember the 1st Gulf War in 1991? first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more
The Magic Trawler
1y ago
British Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, stated that Britain could not have come through the Second World War (or the First) without the giant contribution of the Indian Army. Yet, for most of us outside India, this has gone largely unnoticed. The...
The post INDIA: The Unsung Hero of WW2 first appeared on THE MAGIC TRAWLER more