4 ways to NOT gain weight during the holidays
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
This blog is for those of you that already know you’re about to, or even thinking, of doing something bad ?. You’re this close to talking yourself into giving up dieting until the New Year because the “holidays are coming”. If you want some motivation to stay the course, then keep reading my short, sweet, and brutally honest message to you! 4 painless concepts to avoid weight gain   Don’t turn a few celebration meals in to 3 months of pigging out We’ve all said this to ourselves: “I’m just going to not worry about my diet until after the New Year, and then I’ll start again”. It’s SO eas ..read more
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7 High Fiber Foods You Must Add to Your Keto Diet
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Read this first if you’ve been living under a rock Just in case you missed this lesson in high school health class or you’ve never watched a day of the news in your life, humans require fiber in their diets. Fiber helps with: Colon health because it makes poop nicer to eliminate (preventing hemorrhoids) it promotes a healthy microbiome which positively affects your whole body and mental health improves natural immunity since most of your immune system is in the gut it decreases allergies of all kinds by reducing leaky gut Lowers blood sugar Reduces LDL cholesterol Helps you ..read more
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How To Stay Keto In Summer
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Don’t give up on your health and weight loss journey just because of the weather! If you make the effort ?? to follow the advice below, you will not ??‍♀️ gain weight this summer, but you ?? MUST make these behaviors your top priority! (we’re Italian so we yell and wave our arms, but we do it with love ?) Your eating and drinking doesn’t have to be a sh*t show just because it’s nice out and you go to parties, picnics or enjoy time outdoors where there’s lots of opportunity to eat and drink things that are way off your plan. Commit to the suggestions below this summer and you’ll be in great sha ..read more
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Is Erythritol And Keto Safe For My Cardiovascular Health?
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Short answer: yes, actually. Without a doubt. Longer answer: found in the FB Live below. It’s only 16 minutes long and I talk about the following: Is it worse to have diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease than having erythritol? SO many studies are done to promote both sides of controversial topics, how do you know what to believe? What is erythritol, even? My thoughts on the topic as a functional registered dietitian and adjunct professor of nutrition at GWU Let’s look at the bigger picture about healthiness in general I’d like to make some general points about what a heal ..read more
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Meal Timing For Weight Loss & Reducing Insulin Resistance
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Are you having trouble with weight gain or insulin resistance? Consider this: when you eat a meal or snack or drink a caloric beverage, it has effects on your metabolism and determines how your body uses OR stores nutrients. So basically, if you’re a “grazer”, you’re always in digest-and-store mode and you have higher chances of storing what you eat as fat (depending on quantity and quality). You also have higher chances of excess insulin in your bloodstream which could lead to resistance. Soooooo…..if you want to take your weight loss to the next level or you want to reverse blood glucose iss ..read more
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Not Losing Weight On Keto?
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Isn’t that just the worst? You go through all the trouble, sacrifice, and effort of doing the ketogenic diet and then you don’t lose any weight? SCREAAAAAM!!!!! Maybe you want to say what my dramatic 18 year old daughter texts me when she’s stressed out, “F*ck my life!”. And then my mom-self says to her (and you), “failure just tells us what doesn’t work, then we need to learn how to redirect our efforts to create success!” So let’s talk about how to make sure you lose weight while doing keto in this article ⇩     Reasons you might not be losing weight The ketogenic diet is an absol ..read more
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5 Day Keto Meal Plan For The Workweek
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Get a realistic list of recipes and meal ideas for your workweek in this blog ⤵   Something about “back to school” time makes people want to get back to their routines, don’t you think? This is the time of year when I get an influx of patients asking to help me get them back on track. Maybe it’s because winter is coming (what movie?!) or it’s because their kids are in school and on schedules or maybe just beecause summer fun is winding down. Or maybe you feel none of those things and you just want to see what I’m recommending for the Workweek Keto Meal Plan…that’s cool too. This Delicious ..read more
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Low Carb vs. Keto: Which One Is Right For You?
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
If you’re reading this blog post, I have a sneaking suspicion that your real question is: “which diet will help me lose weight faster?” Am I right?! Well, no matter why you’re here, I’m thinking the content below will help you make your decision. Keep reading to see what the main differences are between the two diets, including their benefits to you. Keep in mind- both diets focus on carbohydrate restriction but differ in amounts. Proteins should always be moderate (not too high or too low), and fats will be higher for both. It’s ALWAYS recommended to eat as much fresh and whole food possible ..read more
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5 Keto Summer Cocktails That Are Fresh & Easy
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
First: Alcohol is not a carbohydrate! Carbs are carbs, protein is protein, fat is fat, and alcohol is none of them. I’ve found that a lot of people “heard that alcohol isn’t keto because it has too many carbs” and therefore they don’t consume it. Not true, friends. Alcohol is not one of the macronutrients (protein, fat or carbs), it’s just it’s own guy. Alcohol does have 7 calories per 1 gram, so if you need to count it as something, count it as calories. Not carbs. NOW…if there’s sugar in the drink because it’s an added ingredient, then it would not be keto because your blood sugars would ris ..read more
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Avoid These 5 Keto Katastrophies This Summer
Keto Katz Bakery Blog
by Lisa Mislevy MS, RD
1y ago
Being keto is no excuse not to have fun! Having fun is no excuse to go off keto. Let’s talk about situations that we “find ourselves in” during the summer months that derails us: Picnics Vacations Graduation parties Holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day) Drinking Warning: the below advice requires some mental effort and personal commitment! Nothing that’s hard to do is easy to do, but we know you can do it (?? subliminal Jedi influencing). PICNICS The usual food: burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, chips, baked beans, corn, pasta salad, watermelon, brownies. What you can ..read more
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