CanDo Blog
Adam Bremen, Founder of CanDo and creator of Krisp protein bars, embraced a profound mission: to motivate and enable individuals to embrace healthier lifestyles daily. Born with Cerebral Palsy, Adam relied on an electric wheelchair for mobility since childhood. His upbringing ingrained the belief that life revolved around capabilities rather than limitations, instilled by supportive parents..
CanDo Blog
1y ago
Protein is an important macronutrient: it's something your body needs every day.
If you go too long without eating protein, your body will show signs of having serious problems, such as:
Feeling weak and hungry
Brittle hair and nails
Getting sick often
Mood changes
Trouble thinking
Weak muscles
It's important to keep in mind that not everyone who is protein deficient will experience all of these symptoms. At the same time, any of these symptoms could also come from other problems.
Feeling weak and hungry
Protein helps k ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
As the calendar turns to 2024, the allure of a fresh start beckons us to embrace new opportunities and make positive changes in our lives. This New Year, why not embark on a journey of transformation by prioritizing your health and well-being? In this blog, we'll explore how the empowering spirit of "CanDo" can be your guiding mantra as you commit to fitness and healthy eating habits in the coming year.
Setting Realistic Goals for Success:
The foundation of any successful health journey lies in setting achievable goals. With a CanDo attitude, you empower yourself to believe in your capa ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
It's that time of year again! Time for fun, family, .... and a lot of food.
Large meals are a hallmark of the holiday season, but they don't mean you have to stuff your face mindlessly.
Instead, consider taking a mindful approach to eating. We offer several tips for mindful eating:
Do your own cooking
Get to know your own food
Don't be afraid to eat
Avoid alcohol
Engage all the senses
Practice other forms of mindfulness
What is mindful eating?
Mindful eating is the process of becoming more aware of:
What you are eating ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
What is Stevia?
No, Stevia is not a Steve Jobs invention. It’s an all-natural, alternative sweetener that comes from the Stevia plant. Stevia, officially Stevia rebaudiana, is sometimes called “Candyleaf” or “Sweetleaf”, due to the fact of its… very sweet leaves. The plant is native to Brazil and Paraguay, and has been cultivated since the 1960s for its leaves.
You can eat raw Stevia leaves. Some people put the leaves in their tea and let it steep. But more often, people use Stevia extract, which typically comes in a little squeeze bottle.
Stevia extracts, like Truvia o ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
Eating Carbs on a Gluten Free Diet
About 25% of Americans follow a gluten free diet, for a variety of reasons. Some have a diagnosed gluten intolerance, like Celiac disease. Others eat gluten free for health benefits, such as reduced inflammation.
Because carbs and gluten often go together, many people assume that a gluten free diet is the same thing as a low or zero carb diet. But this is not true-many carbs do not contain gluten at all.
You can eat carbs on a gluten free diet, but you have to be careful. It is possible to accidentally eat gluten this way.   ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
Low Carb Diets and Gut Health
Your guts might not be your favorite part of your body. They’re kinda icky, and might not be something you want to think about all the time.
But there’s a reason why we have phrases like I feel it in my gut. The gut is incredibly important for the health of the entire body. Its status affects everything else, including how you feel and how you think.
Modern diets are full of ultra processed, high sugar, low nutrient junk foods that hurt your gut health every time you eat them. One advantage of low carb (or keto) diets is tha ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
What is MCT Oil?
MCT Oil is a kind of fat found in several healthy oils, including coconut oil and palm oil. (By the way, “MCT” stands for “Medium-chain triglycerides”. Aren’t you glad we just say “MCT”?)
Triglycerides are just a kind of molecule that makes up fats. They come in long, medium, or short chains, and their size affects how your body digests them. MCTs have certain health benefits that help them stand out from other fats.
MCT oil is particularly valued by keto enthusiasts for this reason. Your body can break down MCTs faster than it can break down LCTs (Long ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
The dreaded sugar crash! It always happens right before you need to do something important, like deliver a presentation.
Sugar crashes are very real, and they are not good for you, although they don’t necessarily signal a bigger problem such as diabetes.
Since processed sugar is a relatively modern invention, this isn’t a problem that humans developed to deal with. But it also means that sugar crashes are easily avoidable, especially if you can avoid sugar.
Which is, unfortunately, harder and harder these days.
What is sugar, really?
Technically, suga ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
How To Find Accurate Nutrition Info Online (in the era of misinformation)
There’s a lot of information on the Internet. Some of it is even factual!
The bad news is, a lot of it is not. Misinformation, or simply false information, is everywhere these days. Some of it is politically motivated, but most of it comes out of accident or sheer laziness.
Just about anyone can post just about anything they want online. All too often, people post information just to get attention, without caring whether what they say is true or not.
Nutrition is important. But how can you ..read more
CanDo Blog
1y ago
If you want to build muscle and bulk up, you have to eat tons of meat, right?
Not at all! While meat can give you lots of protein at once, plenty of plant-based alternatives exist. Although they are less dense in protein, they can still give you everything you need to enjoy a healthy diet.
Protein is an essential nutrient for all living things. It helps grow, repair, and maintain tissues. It is also helps produce many essential bodily compounds, including enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. So plants need protein just as much as animals do.
Despite the many benefits of plant-based protein, the ..read more