“Queen of Cajun Music” wields her accordion with power
The Richmond Folk Festival
1M ago
tells the story, it plays like a scene from a movie: She’s out for a night of music and dancing with a group of friends and family at Bourque’s Club in Lewisburg, Louisiana, and her sister, Karleen, approaches legendary Cajun bandleader Ledel "Blackie" Forestier with a question, “Would you let my sister play a song on the accordion ..read more
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Ganna Natsag brings mask artistry to the Richmond Times-Dispatch Virginia Folklife area.
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
This year the Virginia Folklife Area returns with “ ,” featuring the astonishing Mongolian masks and ceremonial costumes and dance of Arlington, Virginia, resident Gankhuyag “Ganna” Natsag ..read more
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Fran Grace Answers to “Ladystrings”
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
It's not uncommon for listeners to hear Fran Grace play the steel guitar and come away completely unaware that she's performing religious music. And that's just fine with her ..read more
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Volunteers needed! Sign up now!
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
The Richmond Folk Festival offers a variety of exciting volunteer areas. With over 1,000 volunteers each year, we can't do it without you! The festival is a wonderful place for civic, school, church, and office organizations to volunteer. Or simply sign up with your best friend or significant other to spend a day together at the Richmond Folk Festival ..read more
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Bomba & Bluegrass: The Virginia Folklife Area honors Latin-American traditions
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
Change is in the air for the Richmond Folk Festival's Virginia Folklife Area. The stage has a new sponsor, the Center for Cultural Vibrancy, and it, along with the crafts area, has moved to a different location on festival grounds ..read more
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Meet Richmond Folk Festival 2022 Poster Artist, Cassandra Kim
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
One of our favorite festival traditions is working with artists to produce the official festival poster. Each year we’re amazed at the incredible vision and talent that each individual brings to their images. This year is no different ..read more
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Indian classical violinist Kala Ramnath finds music between the notes
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
Like an angel in human form. That’s how renowned composer Terry Riley describes Hindustani (North Indian) classical violinist Kala Ramnath ..read more
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From the Carpathians to concert stages: Ukrainian ensemble Cheres protects their own dusty, folky music
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
"It's all from the Carpathian Mountains," says the multi-instrumentalist and bandleader who emigrated to the U.S. from Ukraine in 1991. "Our music is 75% Ukrainian, and we add some Romanian and Hungarian music. I compare it to American bluegrass, which I love, because it's really dusty, folky music ..read more
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There are lots of great reasons to become a Friend of the Festival! What will yours be?
The Richmond Folk Festival
10M ago
Mary Barnett says, “I became a ‘Friend of the Festival’ without hesitation! I plan my whole year around the Richmond Folk Festival, and that is no kind of exaggeration. It truly is Richmond at its finest: people are happy, kind, patient, and having a great time ..read more
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