The Time Academy Podcast
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time. Big ones and small ones but questions nonetheless. For example, how did this podcast become your priority just now? You may think, "this is not my priority" and yet surely our priorities are what we do, not what we say or think? In fact,..
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
What question do you not want to be asked?
The Time Academy Podcast offers a series of short reflections on time, productivity, creativity, accomplishment and much more.
I share some of my own insights but most importantly I leave you with some questions that might offer a slightly different perspective.
Each episode covers one topic and as befits a reflection on time will only last a few minutes but will hopefully echo for some time thereafter!
If ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 7 - Resetting Expectations
The Episode at a Glance
* What do you expect from this podcast episode?
* How does it help to build up a mental picture in advance?
* And yet that is what many of us do all day by building up pictures of how we would like the future to be.
* Despite all this effort, how often does the future play out as we want? So why do we bother?
* Ask yourself: How can I expect less of the world and of others?
In ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 2 -Thinking About Timescales
The Episode at a Glance
* At what timescale are you playing?
* Playing with timescales allows you to create a vision (set a goal if you like) in one timescale and then focus on process in the shorter ones (habits, routines, rituals).
* This can reduce the decisions you have to make on a daily basis while ensuring you make progress on what is important for you.
* Ask yourself: "What did I do today to ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 15 - How do I Allocate Time? Part I
The Episode at a Glance
* Whether we realise it or not we are continually answering the question of How do I Allocate Time?
* And yet, are we aware of how exactly we make these decisions?
* For example, how will you decide what exactly to do today?
* Or even next?
Provocative thought from author and philosopher Henry David Thoreau:
“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 13 - Making the World Too Small
The Episode at a Glance
* The idea of making the world too small is inspired by the poet David Whyte and yet the concept is eternal.
* It is about the conversations we choose to have with ourselves and others, and equally importantly the conversations we choose to avoid.
* So what conversations are you avoiding?
* Where are you refusing to look?
Further Inspiration
If you are looking for further i ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 11 - How is Past Experience Affecting You?
The Episode at a Glance
* We may think the past is past and so is gone and yet we are ultimately products of the past.
* Our habits are memories of past experiences, our schedules are past commitments over our time, our thought patterns are ways of thinking from the past.
* The past is thus only truly past when we set it down.
* Otherwise, it can weigh heavily on our present and on our ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 9 - To-do Lists and Stress
The Episode at a Glance
* To-do lists are supposed to be helpful, right?
* Sure, given our complex lives, they can help calm our brains, which have a tendency to hang on to the undone and the unfinished.
* And yet, for many people they turn into millstones, nagging them about what remains to be done rather than congratulating them on what has been done.
* So, are your to-do lists more a source of stres ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 6 - Play and Creativity
The Episode at a Glance
* Why have an episode on playfulness?
* What a waste of time! Adults are too busy to play. Right?
* In practice, however, if we are too busy trying to crack a problem head on because we don’t have time for seeming idleness we can spend much longer than if we were to take the time to play and creatively explore whatever is in front of us.
* Listen to what John Cleese had to say on t ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 4 - Hard Work and Morality
The Episode at a Glance
* The hard work mantra so prized by many may no longer be fit for purpose for modern knowledge workers.
* Different attitudes and approaches to work may be more beneficial depending on what outcomes are being sought.
* Given the choice - would you prefer to be known for being hard working or for accomplishing more by not working hard?
If you find the reflections useful, please s ..read more
The Time Academy Podcast
1y ago
My name is Tom O'Leary and I am host of the Time Academy Podcast, a time management podcast that asks questions of our relationship with time.
Welcome to Episode 20 - Your Priorities Are What You Do
The Episode at a Glance
* Our priorities are what we do, not what we say or think.
* Many people struggle with this, saying one thing whilst their actions tell a different story.
* So, what priorities are you actually living?
* Do these differ from the stories you tell yourself?
* Indeed, how do you even know what your true priorities are?
If you find the reflections useful, please s ..read more