Tales in Two Minutes
"Tales in Two Minutes" brings the popular radio sound byte to the podcasting arena. All stories come from the creative imagination of Jay Stetzer, a master storyteller, whose popular tales have been broadcast on radio since 1991. It's storytelling at it's best! Each entry brings you a personal story, a family story, a true story, a bold-faced lie, an urban folktale, a..
Tales in Two Minutes
20h ago
He got tickets to fly there on "Wish He Had" airlines.  ..read more
Tales in Two Minutes
2d ago
Good Reverend Jimmy gave me this story a long time ago.  ..read more
Tales in Two Minutes
5d ago
He’ll tell you he’s your average Joe who doesn’t get off on telling stories or making things up.   ..read more
Tales in Two Minutes
6d ago
I think it started with the flatness of the music in their hands  ..read more
Tales in Two Minutes
1w ago
Now, when they first started cohabitating, Tim and Sally did the intelligent thing, like most couples  ..read more
Tales in Two Minutes
1w ago
Bill’s kid has one dream, the dream of every new driving male, I suspect.  ..read more