Timestalker: One Of The Most Unlikable Characters In Cinema History
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by Another Millennial Reviewer
3w ago
Summary A woman, Alice Lowe, reincarnates over and over again chasing after a guy who doesn’t like her back. This film was a vanity project much like Woman of the Year, review coming soon. Lowe’s other films have also drawn from her own life, but here not only is she actor and star but the ..read more
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Velma: Mindy Kaling’s Career Just Won’t Die
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by Another Millennial Reviewer
3w ago
Summary Velma, voiced by Mindy Kailing, cannot do us all a favour and die and so has to come back as a snarky and thoroughly unlikeable ghost. Bitter is the word I would use to describe this special, bitter was a word that encapsulated the whole of Velma’s run. Now I know that it was ..read more
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Kinds of Kindness: The Wrong Kind Of Experiment
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
4M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary A trilogy of tales that have no business being together. I have been a fan of this director for a long time, the Lobster, the Favourite and Poor Things are all terrific films, this however, is a failed experiment. It is a film that wants to be experimental, that wants ..read more
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Wicked Letters: Naughty Words To Make Your Elder Relatives Blush
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary A series of profanity laden letters cause havoc in a small town. Comedy can be so subjective, in many cases you can think a film is brilliant if it matches your sensibilities but if it doesn’t it can come off as unfunny, boring or even depressing, and I find that in this case I am leaning towards the latter. Though there were funny moment in this film is was far more of a dramedy then the trailers suggested it to be and at times I found it to be very depressing indeed. Jessie Buckley is the saving grace of the film and her character is likeable and easy to root f ..read more
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Poor Things: A Pearl Clutchers Worst Nightmare
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary A woman, Emma Stone, with a child like mind is reintroduced to the world and to herself. This may easily be one of the best films of 2024 so far. Now you have to separate out the fact that if you think about the brass tax of some of the things that happen in this movie there is quite a gross undertone to it, these elements can prove problematic if you can’t separate yourself from it. Essentially this woman with the mind of a child is sexual,  this is more as her mind moves into adolescence and her teen years but still she is not fully with it and some of the ..read more
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Wild Men: Haven’t We All Had This Thought Before
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary After being caught in a car crash Martin, played by Rasmus Bjerg, begins living out in the wilderness with the police on his trail. I had been looking forward to this film for a while, but have to say after watching it I feel more than a little bit disappointed with it. Mainly my issue is the same one I have with many dark comedy films and that is that one part of that equation overshadows the other, in this case the dark and more dramatic stuff outweighed the lighter comedic elements and it made the film as a whole quite a depressing watch. Maybe it is a nationa ..read more
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Rick And Morty: A Rick In King Mortur’s Mort
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary Morty becomes a Knight Of The Sun This was a particularly weak episode of Rick And Morty, I wouldn’t say it was the worst episode of the series so far, but certainly it is up there. There is very little to be entertained by coming from this episode, the knight plot line gives way to a lot of quickly tiresome fantasy jokes, with Rick not liking the Knights and thinking them lame because they aren’t in his usual science fiction wheelhouse, all fairly predictable stuff. The joke of the Knights cutting off their genitals becomes repetitive quickly and the threat that ..read more
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Rick And Morty: Ricktional Mortpoon’s Rickmas Mortcation
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary It is Christmas time in the Smith household and Rick builds a robot version of himself to try and give the Smith’s the perfect Christmas. I think this may have been the best episode of this season simply because of the emotional work it does with Rick’s character and the significance of the ending wherein Rick finally lets Morty in, which in terms of character arcs across the wider show is incredibly important and shows just how much Rick is changing as a character. I really liked Robot Rick and thought that he had a number of funny lines, but also showed us a ve ..read more
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Rick and Morty: Analyze Piss
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
Written by Luke Barnes Summary After seeing a therapist Rick decides to give Jerry a win and let him become a superhero of sorts, however, Rick then sees the result of these actions and becomes a hero himself to try and out perform him and to redeem the origin suit wearer he has taken over from. I think that this was the best episode of Rick and Morty in a long time, it was everything I liked about the show it was funny, it had some real emotional depth and it didn’t feel gimmicky or as thought the writers were trying to show off some science fiction concept they had just learnt about. I like ..read more
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Rick And Morty: Full Meta Jackrick
Another Millennial Reviewer » Dark Comedy
by lukebarnes1886
8M ago
4/5          Written by Luke Barnes Summary After breaking the fourth wall one too many times Rick and Morty fall into the meta and are imprisoned by Story Lord returning from a past episode. I would say this is probably the best episode of the season, in some senses that is because structurally it is more like one of the earlier season episode, meaning more of a one off adventure wherein other episodes are mentioned but there is no heavy need to build the story up, also the tone is breezy and silly rather than brooding and depressed. Two keys wins ..read more
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