Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
Palencia Pet Clinic in Saint Augustine, Florida provides excellent and compassionate care for your pets. With a team of experienced veterinarians and staff, they offer a range of veterinary services including preventive care, heartworm and flea treatment, dental services, full-body examinations, and nutrition suggestions.
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
5M ago
The post Common Conditions Treated in Veterinary Urgent Care appeared first on ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
As a loving pet parent, ensuring your furry family member’s well-being is a top priority. One crucial aspect of pet health that you must be aware of is diabetes in pets, a condition that affects both dogs and cats worldwide.
In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve into the essential information every responsible pet owner should know about diabetes in pets, including its causes, signs and symptoms, treatment options and preventive measures to safeguard your beloved companion from this manageable yet potentially serious ailment.
Key Takeaways
Diabetes in pets is a chronic health condit ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
Although it isn’t something people usually consider when it comes to their pets’ health, up to 5% of cats suffer recurring breathing difficulties caused by feline asthma. Without proper treatment, it can progress into a life-threatening condition. Palencia Pet Clinic in St. Augustine, FL, thinks you should be aware of the causes and symptoms of asthma in cats so you’ll be ready to seek appropriate treatment if your pet begins to exhibit the signs of it.
Feline Asthma: What is it?
Asthma in cats is an allergic reaction to a foreign substance, called an allergen, being breathed into the lungs ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
She’s indoor only, we don’t REALLY need heartworm prevention, do we?! This is how the majority of our pet owners respond when asked about their feline friends’ status of protection against heartworm disease. Many cat owners don’t realize that, just like dogs, cats are susceptible to heartworm disease being transmitted by a single mosquito bite. A study conducted by North Carolina State University found that 27% of the cats diagnosed with heartworm disease were “inside-only” cats. For this reason, both indoor and outdoor cats are at risk and should receive heartworm preventative medicine.
Most ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
Some say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Unfortunately, if you ask some pets, they would counter that absence often makes their heart race and a panic attack set in! One of the most frequent behavior issues I am presented with is that a pet may urinate, vocalize, defecate, destroy furniture or walls, or scratch at the door when left alone. Although these signs may only indicate the need for some remedial training, they may also point towards a more serious issue. Often these behaviors are accompanied by signs of true mental distress, such as drooling, trembling, and other signs th ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
Approximately 150,000 dogs and cats are bitten by venomous snakes each year in the United States. Although we see snake bites year-round, most of these bites occur during the warm summer months. Living in a developing area with abundant wetland and wooded areas like St. Johns County means a higher risk of snake encounters. The families of venomous snakes that are cause for concern in our area include the Crotalidae family (these are the pit vipers such as rattlesnakes and water moccasins) and the Elapidae family (coral snakes). The majority of bites that we treat are ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
During the days leading up to Hurricane Matthew, many pet owners scrambled to prepare themselves and their pets for the storm. With the tips you’ll read below, your pets can be ready for the worst if/when a hurricane strikes again.
Make an emergency kit
Have supplies and information you need gathered and stored in a safe spot that all household members are aware of. Gather everything that your pet may need in an emergency that you may not be able to access during a storm. Some suggestions are: water/food for at least 3 days (don’t forget to bring a can opener if traveling), puppy pads ..read more
Palencia Pet Clinic Blog
1y ago
There is nothing like the sweet soul of an older pet. They have dignity. Decorum. They know who they are and how to act around other pets and people. They’re calm. They don’t pee in your house or eat your shoes. So, while many people think that adopting a senior pet invites trouble; I say they couldn’t be more wrong. Here are a few common myths about adopting an older pet:
1. “If I adopt a senior pet, I’ll be inheriting someone else’s problem.”
There are many reasons (some more valid than others) why people part ways with their pets. Perhaps thei ..read more