Arizona Science
Arizona Science explores the latest scientific research and technological innovations taking place in Southern Arizona and at the University of Arizona. Catch Arizona Science each Friday during Science Friday on NPR 89.1.
Arizona Science
6d ago
Scientists have long known Mars has annual seasons just like Earth. University of Arizona planetary scientist Shane Byrne describes how 20 years of observations by the U-of-A built HiRISE orbiting camera have given researchers new insight into what happens on the surface during the 687 Earth-day Martian year ..read more
Arizona Science
1w ago
Advances in 3-D modelling are leading to new ways of visualizing the surface of the Moon, Mars and other objects in the solar system ..read more
Arizona Science
2w ago
Medical researchers are shifting their attention to bird flu this season. University of Arizona professor Mohaned Al-Obaidi discusses how the H5N1 strain has created a challenge for scientists fighting the spread of the emerging virus ..read more
Arizona Science
3w ago
Scientists studying eating disorders are focusing on a part of the brain that governs food consumption and emotions. University of Arizona neuroscientist Haijiang Cai discusses how understanding the two functions could help people coping with anorexia ..read more
Arizona Science
1M ago
Researchers are finding chimpanzees have more in common with humans that was previously thought. University of Arizona anthropologist Jacob Negrey discusses how chimpanzees transition to old age and how that translates to the human experience ..read more
Arizona Science
1M ago
The Corn Earworm attacks both corn and cotton in Arizona, causing millions of dollars in damage each year. University of Arizona director of Entomology Bruce Tabashnik discusses why genetically engineered crops developed to defeat the Earworm have failed to keep the pest at bay ..read more
Arizona Science
2M ago
Plants and animals were not always as colorful as we see them today. University of Arizona evolutionary biologist John Wiens discusses the evolution of color for plant and animal species that developed hundreds of millions of years ago ..read more
Arizona Science
2M ago
The fight against COVID-19 became part of our lives four years ago. Researchers are still working to find out how to it started. University of Arizona immunobiologist Michael Worobey discusses the latest findings and considers the possibilities of new pandemics brewing around the globe ..read more
Arizona Science
2M ago
The James Webb Space Telescope is giving astronomers a closer look at the creation and development of planets. University of Arizona planetary scientist Ilaria Pascucci discusses a new study on protoplanetary disks, described as a cradle where new planets are born ..read more
Arizona Science
2M ago
Astronomers with the University of Arizona-backed Vera Rubin Observatory are on track to start their work early next year. Project outreach and education director Alan Strauss discusses how they will use the largest camera ever built to take a highly-detailed time-lapse look at our universe ..read more