Tractor Forum » General Photography
Share your photos and talk about general photography in the Tractor Forum. Post the photos you have taken of your lawn, your pastures, and more. Discuss cameras and gear, and share your setting preferences and configurations. Share your artistic pictures, nature photography, and more.
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
Not exactly a tractor, but I thought folks might enjoy seeing this. It's a John Deere with a prairie turner moldboard. The pile of metal in the first picture is what I started with. I don't know much if its history, but it probably came to this area in a covered wagon more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
I figured I would share some pictures that I have with everybody, hope you all enjoy. First up is my local fire departments fire truck all decked out with Christmas lights across the street from my house one night. They light the fire truck up every year, have Christmas music playing though the speakers and give presents to kids with it more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
I was going through the pictures and I came across this one...I had forgotten that I had it.....This is in a church school playground, near Bellville, Ohio if I remember correctly. I used to have a route that took my by it every other week.....Great use of an old John Deere combine to use as a playground toy more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
I am going to be entering this 4X6 picture along with 5 other pictures into my local fairs this year as I do every year and I need some help getting this that the arrows in blue are pointing to off that is on the cats head. It is from a sticky note that I wrote the class I plan to put it in and stuck on the picture. Anyone know how I can get it off WITHOUT ruining the picture if I can get it off at all? IF it can't come off that is ok because I already printed another one as a back up or...
How To Get This Off more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
We have had an influx of new members
from literally all over the world. Sad to say, but my geography is terrible and I do not recognize a lot of the areas mentioned in the posts mentioned as the members home area.
It would be very helpful to me and a lot of other members if all the members, both new and old, would post 1 or 2 photos of the terrain at the location where the tractor or equipment is mostly likely used. This would allow the members to be better. acquainted with each members...
Member Locations more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
Anyone have any new pictures to post trips, etc more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
Clevis up against a one gallon can. View attachment 45403 more
Tractor Forum » General Photography
1y ago
Butterfly Ridge is the name my wife gave to our 11 Acre hobby farm, residence when we first arrived to inspect the property before we bought it there were swarms of different butterflies and we also have many different bird species and dragonflies
Oh we also have geese.
More photos of “the Ridge” to come.
Sent from my iPhone using Tractor Forum more