Russian Classic Treasures
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
5M ago
“Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov is a captivating novel that was once banned but now holds a revered place in school curricula. Often referred to as the “magic box,” this timeless tale transports readers through various periods of life, each time revealing new insights and mysteries. Мастер и Маргарита. Коллекционное иллюстрированное издание   Leo Tolstoy’s monumental work “War and Peace” delves into the aspirations and worldviews of individuals amidst the backdrop of Napoleon’s wars. With over 550 characters, 200 of whom are based on real historical figures, this epic maste more
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Discover the Literary Gems: Contemporary Best-Selling Russian Authors
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
In the rich tapestry of Russian literature, a new generation of talented authors has emerged to captivate readers worldwide. These contemporary writers bring fresh perspectives, modern narratives, and a unique voice to the literary world. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the best-selling Russian authors of today. If you’re a book lover or just curious about the vibrant world of Russian literature, read on to discover your next favorite book. Elena Ferrante of Russia: Guzel Yakhina Guzel Yakhina has taken the literary world by storm with her remarkable storytelling and abilit more
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Exploring the Literary Gems: The Most Popular Russian Books in the World | Самые популярные книги на русском
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
Russian literature has long been celebrated for its profound impact on global culture. From the rich tapestry of its historical epics to the thought-provoking masterpieces of the 20th century, Russian authors have contributed significantly to the literary landscape. In this blog post, we delve into the world of Russian literature to uncover the most popular Russian books that have captivated readers worldwide. Whether you are a seasoned bookworm or new to the enchanting realm of Russian literature, this list will undoubtedly inspire your reading journey. 1. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy more
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Расти нескучно! Взрослые проблемы решаем в детстве
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
Всем хочется, чтобы их ребенок был всесторонне развитым, умным и свободным. Мы не педагоги, но в детских книгах знаем толк! Делаем процесс максимально легким и весёлым. Формируем всё необходимое. Шаги и средства в нашей подборке ниже.   Шаг 1. Развиваем эмоциональный интеллект у самых маленьких. «Моя книжка злится» Ромадье Седрика. more
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Best way to spend your COVID-19 days?! Write a book!
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
What do you do when COVID-19 hits and you no longer have to go anywhere or leave your house? Of course, you can read a good book, but you can do even better – Write a book! There’s never been a better time to finally sit down and make your dream come true. Like one of our Authors – Tamara Stotski. As a Mom of two small kids seeing her kids growing up so quickly, she wanted to capture some of the best childhood moments and make them last forever. Since the COVID-19 started, Tamara was able to publish 4 books! And still working on a few more! Those books are great presents to the kids when they more
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Осенняя осень или что почитать этой осенью об осени
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
Начинаем нашу подборку со стандартного вступления:  – плед,  – чашка чая – дождь за окном. Представили?.. Настроились на уютное чтение? Итак, вот вам список из 5 книг на эту осень: Номер 1. more
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Скорость чтения. Рысь или черепаха?
Books Nest Blog
by mina-adm
9M ago
Информации вокруг настолько много, что просто необходимо развивать навык скорочтения. Важно уметь не просто быстро воспринимать материал, но и правильно его фильтровать. Скорочтение помогает поглощать информацию в больших объемах и тренирует память. Не говоря уже о том, что чтение, само по себе, является отличным инструментом развития речи, образного и логического мышления, да и просто делает вас начитанным красавчиком. Давайте проверим насколько быстро и эффективно вы читаете. Берём книгу стандартного размера и шрифта, засекаем 3 more
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