It's all about Soil Pack
Garden Clinic Blog
2d ago
Well, it’s always all about soil! is a soil conditioner just teeming with beneficial microbes; crucial for plant and soil vitality. Our pack also includes for treating those pesky weeds that are just thriving at the moment more
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Love your Lawn Pack
Garden Clinic Blog
2w ago
Now is a good time to feed your lawn to promote a lush green look and provide resilience to pests and disease. So, when you join, renew or extend your Platinum membership with the Garden Clinic, we’ll send you a 2 Litre Hose On bottle of Sudden Impact for Lawns that contains POPUL8 and a 4kg bag of Lawn Power granular fertiliser from The Garden Experts more
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In Your Garden in February
Garden Clinic Blog
2w ago
All the things you should be focussing on in your garden for the month of February more
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In your garden: December
Garden Clinic Blog
3w ago
All the things you should be focussing on in your garden for the month of December more
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In your garden in January
Garden Clinic Blog
3w ago
All the things you should be focussing on in your garden for the month of January more
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In your garden in December
Garden Clinic Blog
2M ago
All the things you should be focussing on in your garden for the month of December more
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Our Famous Christmas Hamper is back!!!
Garden Clinic Blog
3M ago
Join or renew your Platinum Membership and you’ll receive our famous Christmas Hamper full of gardening products to keep your garden looking great all year! Be quick, so you don't miss out as we only have limited stock available more
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In the garden: November
Garden Clinic Blog
3M ago
All the things you should be focusing on in your garden for the month of November more
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Spring Pest Pack
Garden Clinic Blog
4M ago
You’ve probably have heard Graham talk about to control various sucking insect pests on your ornamental plants. You might have also heard him talking about and the need to spray your citrus fortnightly at the moment to ward off those pesky citrus leaf miners. So, when you join, renew or extend your Platinum membership, we’ll send you both these products as well as a ready to use spray bottle of more
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SOLD OUT - Spring Gardening Gift Pack
Garden Clinic Blog
4M ago
Our Spring Gardening Gift Pack includes all the products you need for your garden during the Spring season! Neutrog’s Sudden Impact for Roses (not just for roses), OCP’s Eco-Seaweed (most pure form of seaweed for gardens) and a product Graham has been trialling with great results from Fair Dinkum Fertilisers called Garden Feast more
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