The Open Tomb
Keepin' It Jesus
by Stefanie Ward
6M ago
Depression snuck up on me as I transitioned from childhood to adulthood. Struggles come with a cost, we just have to remember who already paid the price more
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If It's Not God, Why Do We Pursue It?
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
10M ago
Oftentimes, we’re not living our best life because we’re simply pursuing the wrong things – the wrong relationships, habits, and desires. Our spiritual, emotional, and mental appetites say a lot about the temperature of our relationship with God. And if we’re honest, much of our sin is because we want something more than we want to do what’s right in the eyes of God. We want “it” more than we want to please Him in that moment, and we want “it” because it feels good or carries a promise to feel good. Sin often does feel good in the moment, but it hits different when the bill comes due. Spiritu more
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The Best God Life
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
10M ago
Too often our perception of our "best life" is usually someone else’s idea of it. What we define or boast about as living our best life is a very different picture than what God has in mind. Truth is, we can’t have God’s best life if we’re not willing to let go of our definition of it. Ephesians 2.8-10 talks about God’s gift to us and His plan for our life: “You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God's gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. It isn't something you have earned, so there is nothing you can brag about. God planned for more
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5 Historical Facts of Jesus' Resurrection
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
11M ago
Christianity comprises many beliefs and truths about God that make up our faith. From the creation of the world itself to the return of Christ and the end of this world as we know it, to how we should live our very lives or don’t – there’s a lot to learn and understand about God. Fascinatingly, the resurrection of Jesus underpins everything we believe. If the resurrection isn’t true, if Jesus – God as Man – didn’t come, live, die, and resurrect, then everything and anything about Christianity (belief in God) is essentially irrelevant. I will often outright tell unbelievers that more
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Finding Purpose In Your Pain
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
11M ago
We all enjoy a good story about overcomers conquering challenges and unbelievable odds. But we don’t always enjoy it when we’re the one in the story that needs to overcome. Joseph, the son of Israel and ancestor to Jesus, went from being despised by his family, left for dead, accused, imprisoned, and overlooked, to being the ruler of Egypt — and the saving grace for that same family that delayed him and many more. He wasn’t just an overcomer in his own life, but his setbacks positioned him to help an entire nation overcome too! In this special message, we’ll look at the story of Joseph; what more
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10 Ways You Can Powerfully Pray For Someone
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
1y ago
We know that we should always pray, but do we always know how to pray? And by how to pray, do we know how to focus and direct our prayers, strategically? In 1 John 5.15, the Apostle John says this: And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests (or petitions) which we have asked from Him. God loves when we pray and He loves when we pray with specificity. Not necessarily that He loves it more or less, but it’s a special moment that draws us in. We see more
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Elevating The Elevator
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
1y ago
The freedom we have is a beautiful thing. There’s no shortage of things to enjoy. Conveniences to take advantage of. Ambitions to pursue. Comforts to make us feel better. But sometimes in our pain or our strive, we can cling to our comforts, routines, and ambitions in a way that puts space between us and the Father. We can hide in distractions rather than confronting whatever needs to be confronted and letting God do His work. This is where I’ve found myself reflecting over these last few days. This week at Detroit Church, we’re consecrating with a fast to prepare ourselves and look forward t more
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A Life Laid Down
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
1y ago
A sacrifice isn’t really a sacrifice unless it costs us something. Speaking to His disciples, Jesus said we would be known as His followers by how we love one another (John 13.35). He later added to that saying that there’s no greater love (or stronger commitment) than someone who lays down their life for their friend (John 15.13). Laying down our life for our friend can be expressed figuratively through giving our time, commitment, or even physical possessions. It can also be expressed literally like a soldier sacrificing their life for freedom or like Jesus giving His life for us on the cro more
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What Trusting God Really Looks Like
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
1y ago
If we’re honest, it can be hard for us to trust God sometimes. Like really trusting Him beyond just trusting Him for our soul and salvation, but trusting Him with the day-to-day details of our lives. For believers, it’s the moment where our faith and action meet and life gets real. We know how well we trust God (or don’t) as indicated by how worried we get about things; and by how much we move in panic or obsessively try to control outcomes.  But have you ever thought about why is it so hard for us to trust God if we really believe He is who He says He is? It’s a ridiculous thought to th more
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The Exchanged Life
Keepin' It Jesus
by Mel Mills
1y ago
Many of us would have less of a problem resting if we actually trusted God to do what we are clearly finite in our ability to do. When we willingly refuse to rest, we’re saying that we don’t trust God to handle it. Refusing to rest is saying that we must do it all ourselves. Or that His way and timing aren’t sufficient. We always have to do our part, but resting implies that we also trust God to do His. Resting implies that we trust Him as the Great Multiplier to make our little a bigger. Resting implies that God can always do more with less. And that His access and resources aren’t limited t more
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