Suicide risk, burnout, retention, student debt—these are just some of the serious issues many in the veterinary profession are working on now in their noble and impactful pursuits. No one would argue the absolute need to address these concerns. However, are we missing something else to elevate the profession? Before we begin, let’s consider something....
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
3M ago more
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Their days start before the sun is up, preparing themselves and their kids for the day ahead. Packing lunches, filling water bottles, giving comforting hugs, and saying “I love you” when they are in the school carline. This is just the beginning of the action-packed day that awaits a DVM mom. “We work so hard,...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
3M ago more
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Keeping you updated on regulatory and legislative changes affecting veterinary medicine. QUESTION: We are getting many clients that do not want to give their animals rabies vaccines. How do you recommend dealing with it? We have explained the legality part, health risks, and advised their animal would have to be muzzled for all procedures and quarantined...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
5M ago more
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Amidst the sweltering heat and the occasional afternoon storm in the heart of South Florida’s agriculture land, Dusti Small, DVM, MS, navigates her days with a blend of grit and compassion. As part of the 3.6% of veterinarians focused on the health of livestock in the United States, her story provides insight into the challenges...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
5M ago more
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Have a legal or regulatory question? The FVMA can help. QUESTION: What limitations does a new graduate working under a current doctor’s license while awaiting state test results have? Can they administer a rabies vaccine?  The new veterinarian can practice veterinary medicine under immediate (on premises, not over the shoulder) supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Under...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
7M ago more
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Immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) can be described as “chronic synovial inflammation in two or more joints, failure to isolate an organism from the joint fluid, and a positive response to immunosuppressive therapy.” It occurs when immune complexes are stimulated to enter the synovial fluid (a hypersensitivity reaction) and this draws neutrophils and sometimes T-cells.  IMPA is...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
7M ago more
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Continuing Education Requirements After SB 382
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
8M ago
Starting July 1, 2024, veterinarians licensed by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) who have held an active license for at least 10 years and have had no disciplinary actions will be exempt from current CE requirements. Despite this, the FVMA strongly recommends you continue fulfilling your CE requirements as you always have more
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The exercise can help practice managers understand where the money goes and take steps to be more profitable. The exercise can help practice managers understand where the money goes and take steps to be more profitable. Every equine veterinary practice shares a significant commonality, regardless of its size. The 100 Penny Exercise illuminates how the...
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
9M ago more
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Keys to Successfully Integrating a New Graduate Into Your Practice
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
9M ago
Integrating a new graduate into your practice is an exciting and rewarding, yet challenging, prospect. A thriving mentorship program has distinct steps and timelines, clear advancement between steps, and regular meetings to assess progress while providing constructive feedback. Recognition of challenges and setting realistic expectations are vital to creating a strong mentorship program. This article more
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Practical Field Cardiology
Florida Veterinary Medical Association Blog
9M ago
While the importance of the equine heart is undeniable, particularly for athletes, many practitioners are uncomfortable diagnosing cardiac conditions. The goals of this article are to look at anatomy and function to help understand common cardiac conditions, to break down the most common findings, to understand better when to refer, and how to manage common more
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