words in season
After graduating from Bible school and teaching young adults in her local church, Kara Morris has created a podcast for Christians of all ages to be equipped and encouraged with Bible-based teaching.
words in season
3d ago
? What does the Bible say about heaven?
?Luke 10:18-20, Philippians 4:3, Revelation 21:27- There is a book ? in heaven  ..read more
words in season
3d ago
When I drink from His cup, I am able to see His harvest & His best for me ..read more
words in season
3d ago
Two words that are like a string to lift my head to see Him…
? Psalm 3:1-3
? Psalm 42
Reminds us of His omnipotence & omnipresence
? Hebrews 1:3
? Revelation 1:11
The natural mind considers plans possible or impossible by amounts of money, numbers, “has been or never been done before” as the probability of success.
? Zechariah 4:4-10
Think of the craziest dream you could ever imagine and God’s like…YES! Now they are thinking like me.
? 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 - not of the mind, 27 - foolish things to confound the wise
“In heaven ? mindset” - it’s normal to think that way t ..read more
words in season
3d ago
In the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples we can find insights into the Christian life and how the Father, Son & Holy Spirit work together to invite us in to a deep, living and intimate relationship ..read more
words in season
1w ago
When I drink from His cup, I am able to see His harvest & His best for me ..read more
words in season
2w ago
? Mark 1:40-43
? Hebrews 5:8
Jesus didn’t allow the suffering to be a filter to change His view of the Father, His purpose or the people He was went to.
“Thy will be done…”
Praying these words with a pure heart (? Psalm 51:10-12) takes strength, humility and surrender.
Reasons why this makes my flesh squirm:
it wants a formula
it wants it when it wants it
fear of the unknown
God is a Father, not a formula.  ..read more
words in season
3w ago
This King gives us our identity.
? Colossians 3:1-3
? Ephesians 1:4-5
? Romans 8:14-16
This King gave us the authority to reign over the enemy.
? Exodus 19:5-6
? 1 Peter 2:9
This King is seated in our future home and is coming back again to take us to Him.
?John 14:18
The times I get disappointed & distracted from my mission on earth, it’s because I have forgotten what the Kingdom looks like.
❌? when I start trying to live my life the natural world system and not where I’m from…
❌?when I start putting “worldly” standards of timeline, success, worth
❌?when I st ..read more
words in season
3w ago
My salvation is tangible in the spirit realm, because when the Father sees me He sees the Blood of Jesus Christ ..read more
words in season
3w ago
“So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you're my true followers.” Jesus in ? John 13:35 ..read more
words in season
1M ago
What is a kingdom without a King?
? Revelation 19:16
? Historically, the role of the monarch was to maintain the peace of the realm, oversee the administration of justice, and to uphold the rule of law in the land.
?? Currently, The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity & unity…; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognizes success and excellence; and supports the ideal of voluntary service.
In all these roles The Sovereign is supported by members of their immediate family. ? 2 Corinthians 5:20 - US ??
How can I say with confidence “Thy Kingdom Come ..read more