Homo Vitruvius by A. Jay Adler
Tap into a writer's renascent light against the darkness, shined through culture, literature, and ideas. "Sing of human unsuccess / In a rapture of distress". Click to read Homo Vitruvius by A. Jay Adler, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
Homo Vitruvius by A. Jay Adler
1w ago
a Reason for Being in the World "preliminary chapter ..read more
Homo Vitruvius by A. Jay Adler
1M ago
Life in Motion (Reason for Being in the World, Preliminary Chapter ..read more
Homo Vitruvius by A. Jay Adler
1M ago
A table of contents page for Reason for Being in the World, with links to all chapters published so far ..read more