The Predatory Wasp » Hyperpop
A music blog
The Predatory Wasp » Hyperpop
11M ago
caro♡’s new album wild at came out earlier this month on PC Music; a fact that should either have you intruiged or running for the hills depending on your relationship with the label and tolerance for sleek hyperpop and heart emojis. I really liked her last album Heartbeats/Heartbreaks, but this is a very different beast, leaning heavily into the ‘hyper’ of hyperpop where her debut was actually pretty chilled for the most part. Nothing here is going to persuade you of the merits of PC Music if you’ve previously taken against them, but those in the market for a saccharine hit of romantic elect more
The Predatory Wasp » Hyperpop
11M ago
I’m really not going to make a habit of sharing festive songs this month, but I just heard this and it made me laugh: a hyperpop/rap/Twelve Days of Christmas mashup that’s totally unhinged in a very enjoyable way. more
The Predatory Wasp » Hyperpop
11M ago
claire rousay’s 2021 album a softer focus was one I regularly returned to throughout the year, usually first thing in the morning when it’s gentle melodies and evocative field recordings would make me feel infinitely better about whatever mundane task I was faced with. On same she’s teamed up with more eaze for something altogether more jarring, but no less brilliant, with the fizzing intensity of its opening few bars quickly fading to reveal a PC Music-esque core of saturated vocals and naive, plunky melodies. Part hyper-pop excess and part ambient understatement, it’s a combination that prob more