Weekend Listomania: Special "Solipsism is Great, Everybody Should Try It!" Edition
by steve simels
2d ago
[I originally posted a version of this back in 2009, when I was still 5'81/2" tall (don't ask). Anyway, I've done some rewriting and added some new entries, this despite the fact that I've had a terrible week and I can barely rouse myself. Sheesh -- the things I do for you guys. Anyway, enjoy. -- S.S.] Well, it's Friday, and we're all still losing sleep over the innocent cats and dogs Donald Trump (aka Donny Demento) has informed us are being devoured au poivre in the wilds of Ohio. That being the case, here's a fun little project to take our minds off the looming Pet Holocaust -- to wit: Post ..read more
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Capt. Al's 21st Century (Part IV): Hey -- With a Name Like That, I Was Expecting Some Kind of Welsh Witch!!!
by steve simels
3d ago
[As attentive readers will recall, our old friend (and more important, Friend of PowerPop©) Allan Rosenberg, aka Capt. Al, has been toiling on a series about his fave recent artists for a while now. The third installment of these musical musings -- dedicated to Lydia Loveless -- appeared here end of August. Now, as promised, here's episode le quatrième! Take it away, you old sea doggie!!! -- S.S.] Welcome to the “Best Rock 'n' Roll Music of the 21st Century, Part 4”, by Captain Al Let me remind both you (Simels’ wonderful readers) and myself that these columns are about what I consider my favo ..read more
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Your Tuesday Moment of Words Fail Me
by steve simels
5d ago
From 2024, (possibly), please enjoy The Cheatles and their quite brilliant ode to everybody's favorite pre-Russian Revolution tsarist-beloved religious nut "Rasputin." In case you're wondering, I stumbled across this over at YouTube yesterday, and my jaw still hasn't been seperated from my apartment floor. About the Cheatles themselves, I can find little info except that they seem to be one of the most well regarded Beatles tribute bands in the UK. Irregardless, on the basis of the above they clearly deserve to be immortal. ? I'm gonna send them the link to this post; I'll let you know what i ..read more
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Album of the Year? Could Be, Could Be!!!
by steve simels
6d ago
From their just released (and brilliantly monikered) Raspberry Park, please enjoy power pop deities The Weeklings and their quite remarkable cover of the Fabs' Sgt. Pepper highlight "She's Leaving Home." Attentive readers will recall my posting two earlier cool tracks from the album -- specifically, a Buffalo Springfield/Stones mashup and a glorious cover of "I've Just Seen a Face" -- but the above is, I think you'll agree, equally gorgeous and perhaps even more innovative. I mean -- the utterly surprising horns and guitars notwithstanding, I can't recall another cover of the song by anybody ..read more
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Weekend Listomania: Special "Seven Days in September" Edition
by steve simels
1w ago
[I originally posted a version of this back in 2009 (oh god, oh god). As is my wont on these occasions, I've done some re-writing and made a few entry changes out of sheer guilt. Enjoy! -- S.S.] Well, it's Friday, and once again I've run out of dumb topical jokes involving my Asian fille du whoopie Fah Lo Suee and the latest Republican/Trump outrage du jour. Hey -- what can you do? In any case, posting by moi will necessarily be sporadic for a few days. But in my absence, here's a fun project for us all to contemplate: Best or Worst Post-Beatles Song With Either the Word Week or a Specific Day ..read more
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Nancy's Record Collection (And Mine): An Occasional Series
by steve simels
1w ago
To paraphrase the great Charles Pierce -- Is it a good day to post a classic track by The Smithereens? It's ALWAYS a good day to post a classic track by The Smithereens!!! The track in question, of course, is a fab cover of the 1965 proto-power pop masterpiece by The Beach Boys -- think Carl Wilson channeling The Beatles. The 'Reens characteristically brilliant remake is from their first indie EP, which came out in 1980, i.e. a lifetime before they got signed by an actual national record label in 1986. I was lucky enough to see the 'Reens do the tune live (at my then neighborhood watering ho ..read more
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Your Wednesday Moment of Words Fail Me: Special "Ooh -- Nice Material" Edition
by steve simels
1w ago
[A coveted PowerPop No-Prize© will be awarded to the first reader who identifies the source of the joke in today's title. Thank you. -- S.S.] From 1965, it's Phil Spector(!) on The Merv Griffin Show(!!). With guests Eartha Kitt(!!!), Wally Cox(!!!!) and a frighteningly young Richard Pryor(!!!!!) on the celebrity couch. Okay, that is remarkable on so many levels of Sixties Time Capsule that I can't begin to enumerate them. But you'll know what I'm talking about after you see it in its 15-minute entirety. BTW, I dug up that clip because of yesterday's discussion of an Adele record being annoyin ..read more
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Your Monday Moment of Aural Agony: Special "How Do You Say 'Pitchy' in Yiddish?" Edition
by steve simels
1w ago
Oy gevalt. From 2011, please enjoy endure vastly over-rated Brit chanteuse crime against nature Adele and her ear-piercingly awful "Someone Like You." Seriously, I myself do not claim to have perfect hearing, especially at my advanced age, but Adele's vocal on that is so egregiously off-key in so many spots that when I heard it the other afternoon at my local watering hole I alternated between shaking my head in disbelief that it had ever been cleared for release and merely shrieking loudly in pain. I never thought I'd be saying this, but -- where's that damn auto-tune when you need it? And s ..read more
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Today's Cartoon Chuckle
by steve simels
1w ago
You'll need to click to enlarge it, obviously. But it's worth the effort. I should add that Material Girl is my favorite ..read more
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La Fin de La Semaine Essay Question: Special "Hey, We Can't All Be James Dean" Edition
by steve simels
2w ago
Well, it's Friday, and you know what that means. Yes.... Hmm. Okay, I got nothing. Seriously, I find the current state of the world so exhausting of late -- and you know who and what I'm talking about -- that I simply don't have the energy to craft one of my stock opening topical jokes about my Asian fille de whoopie Fah Lo Suee and I going to visit somebody or something. My apologies, but ever since Trump's fans started wearing tampons on their ears, my get up and go has just got up and went. So let's get right to business. To wit: ...and your favorite (or least favorite) post-Elvis individu ..read more
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