Katarina Tifft Art Blog
Katarina Tifft approach to each work is rooted in my interest in the space between fine arts, design, and craftsmanship. Katarina Tifft create within this fascinating intersection using my hands, head, and heart.
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
3M ago
Released on 11/11 at 11:11 am, this small collection of 11 artworks was created with a desire to help those impacted by the recent ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
4M ago
There are moments in my career as an artist that feel both surreal and deeply gratifying. One of those moments came when I was ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
8M ago
About three years ago, I received a direct message that sparked an incredible journey. Ginny Dickinson had recommended me to create a shell fireplace for someone. My first thoughts were: "Me? Ginny? A fireplace?"
I'd never done a fireplace before, but my creative brain was instantly on fire with ideas.
Unfortunately, a few weeks later, Hurricane Ian hit Sanibel Island, and my client's home was badly damaged, so the project was postponed. Fast forward to the end of 2023, I finally met with my client in person. Let's call her Terri, because that's her name. Terri showed me some images of what ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
9M ago
As a child, I would daydream daily about faraway destinations. What would it feel like to swim in the ocean, stand under the Christ the Redeemer statue, live on a tropical island, or see the northern lights? I had a powerful desire to leave my small town and explore the world.
One memory that has stuck with me is walking to school at 7 am on a dark winter morning. It was cold, and there was snow on the road. My Discman was playing all the nineties tunes (yes, I'm forever grateful for anti-wrinkle creams). As I trudged to class for descriptive geometry, all I could think of was wanting to l ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
9M ago
Have you ever wondered if you were born to be something specific?
For me, the idea of being an artist has always lingered in the back of my mind. Creating and exploring the unknown have been passions of mine since I can remember. However, unlike some people who know from a young age what they want to be, I wasn't one of them.
I believe this is partly due to the schooling system, which often silences the artist within us. In school, we're taught to follow authority, take good notes, and repeat what we've learned to the teacher. This approach hardly encourages creativity. My mom always gave me t ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
1y ago
Art tends to be a very personal decision, and it's a matter of personal taste above all else.
A work of art needs to speak to you, move you, make you dream, inspire you every day. You need to feel it and fall in love with it.
I can only hope that you fall in love with my shellscapes, but why not go on to explore other works by different artists, and in the end, you can always come back to your first love. I will be here when you are ready. Your first love may not be (they are selling fast). But jokes aside,
look up emerging artists near you. If there is an art show in your city, just go! Expl ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
1y ago
As a child, I would daydream daily about faraway destinations. What would it feel like to swim in the ocean, stand under the Christ De Redeemer statue, live on a tropical island, or see the northern lights? I had a powerful desire to leave my small town and explore the world.
The one memory that has stuck with me is walking to school at 7 am on a dark winter morning, it was cold, and there was snow on the road. My Discman was playing all the nineties tunes (yeap, I know, thankful for anti-wrinkle creams forever). As I was walking to school to attend a class of descriptive geometry, all I coul ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
1y ago
At the beginning of May, I visited the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. At first, I was hesitant, thinking it would be a vast circus display, but we spent just over four hours on the grounds, to my surprise. The garden is spectacular, with beautiful sea views and banyan trees reminding me of Vizcaya Gardens in Miami.
Established in 1927 as the legacy of Mable Burton Ringling and John Ringling for the people of Florida, it's the official state art museum. The museum features 21 galleries of European paintings, Cypriot antiquities, and Asian, American, and contemporary art. The art museum is located ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
1y ago
I was surprised to find out Savannah was such a charming city. I was stunned as soon as we arrived. It could be because we stayed at the Olde Harbor Inn, a riverfront hotel built in 1892 with unique vintage architectural details. Top that with cobblestone streets and canopies of moss-covered oak trees, I was mainly speechless as I tried to take it all in.
The hotel was lovely, the room was spacious, the location was perfect, and the staff was accommodating. When the bell boy said there was ice cream in the freezer for us, it gave me serious warm fuzzies.
When I visit somewhere new, I love wal ..read more
Katarina Tifft Art Blog
1y ago
Was I born to be an artist? Possibly. I have always been passionate about creating and love exploring the unknown. Some people know very young what they want to be, but I wasn't one of them.
I think it's because the artist within me was silenced by the schooling system, where I've been taught to follow authority, take good notes, and repeat what I learned to the teacher—hardly an encouragement to be creative. Also, my drawing skills were not as good as some of the other kids at school, so I assumed I was not good enough to become an artist. My parents never pushed me to pursue any career, and ..read more