LLM for Dummies - PART 1
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
We've all heard the buzz… "We're exploring GenAI capabilities," or the company focus of the month is on "LLMs and GenAI." But what do these terms really signify? They certainly have a ring of sophistication, but is it feasible to implement an LLM on your systems? It seems like GenAI is the latest frenzy, akin to the Bitcoin boom—cue the 'to the moon!' memes . Definition: LLM - Large Language Model. The acronym entered the popular lexicon around 2022, following OpenAI's release of Dall-E and ChatGPT. INTRODUCTION . At the core of LLMs lies the ambition to mimic human-like text processing ..read more
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Data Science Project Success - One pager
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Subscribe now “Foresight is not about predicting the future, it’s about minimising surprise.” - Karl Schroeder If there is anything my experience of applied data science has taught me, it's so important to have a clear understanding of the destination you're aiming for. Just like planning a trip, this involves drawing a map that outlines the steps needed to get there. In the context of a Data Science project, this means defining your goals and outlining the key steps needed to achieve them. — By the way, if you’re new to Data Science and Machine Learning, and don’t know the 1st Rule, y ..read more
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SCARF model
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Subscribe now The SCARF model, developed by David Rock, is a framework designed to enhance our understanding of human behaviour - on five key domains: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness, aiming to elucidate the neurological triggers that influence our emotional responses and interactions. The five key domains are : Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. Status refers to one’s relative importance to others. It’s about recognition, respect, and the perceived value within the team. It’s about feeling seen, heard, and remembered. When humans feel their ..read more
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Validation and self respect - Reflections
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Subscribe now It’s Human Nature… Oprah has often spoken about the human inclination to seek validation. She reflects on an interview with the president of the United States, when the moment the camera cut and the interview ended, he asked, "Was that okay?" This instance confirmed in her mind that even the most powerful of people have a need to seek validation. It is, after all, an inherent part of our nature. From a young age, we yearn to be seen, heard, and valued. It’s about our existence making a ripple in the vast ocean of life. It’s not about ego or vanity but a deep-rooted desire to m ..read more
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Charlie Munger - 12 key learnings
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
This post is a bit different. I’m sharing twelve Charlie Munger quotes that have significantly influenced me. I believe exploring these insights can offer you valuable perspectives and inspire thoughtful reflection and application in your own life and work. Here goes … Subscribe now "I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do." This quote has always struck a chord with me because it's a reminder to stay humble and open-minded. It's easy to form opinions based on our own biases and limited knowledge, but Munger's philos ..read more
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Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Managing can be a formidable task - some may find it effortless while others may struggle. Nevertheless, I’ve gleaned valuable insights through my experience, and I’d like to share my key learnings below ..read more
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The frog in the pond
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Subscribe now The frog in the pond knows nothing of the ocean The frog in the pond, content in its limited perspective, is oblivious to the vastness of the ocean. Much like the frog, we often find comfort in the familiar, the predictable, the safe. But what lies beyond the comfort of our ponds? What boundless oceans of possibilities are we missing when we let fear take hold? Looking back at my own life, I see a path of caution, a journey shaped by a fear of stepping into the unknown. I always played it safe, stuck to what I knew, and in doing so, I can’t help but wonder… what did I miss o ..read more
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Behavioural psychology
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Behavioral Psychology, a discipline that delves into the intricacies of human behavior, is a fascinating realm of study that explores the dynamic interplay between our actions and the external stimuli that shape them. This discipline magnifies the illuminating relationship between the environment, our experiences, and the learned behaviors that result from them, casting a captivating light on the mechanisms behind why we do what we do ..read more
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Reductionist v/s System
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
The Reductionist and System views are two sides of a coin, both striving to decipher the mystery of the universe. However, the former dissects phenomena into its atomic elements, illuminating their behavior in a solitary light, while the latter sees the world through a kaleidoscopic lens, grasping the interwoven tapestry of all its elements, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the system at large ..read more
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1st Rule of Machine Learning
Hamzah Javaid
by Hamzah Javaid
9M ago
Subscribe now Machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool, but it's not always the first solution we should turn to… Rule 1 of Machine Learning: “Don’t use Machine Learning” . No Machine Learning you say? Diving straight into ML can be tempting, especially with the buzz it has generated. However, ML requires a robust data pipeline, high-quality labels, and most importantly, a clear understanding of the problem. Anyone with experience working at a large organisation will tell you of the troubles of getting large, high quality usable data - it’s tough! Machine learning thrives on data. While i ..read more
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