049 - Dr. James Dotson and the Magic of Scent
by Witchhassle
7M ago
James Dotson, MD, joins the program to talk about the occult history of scents and his magical journey. Hear the full version at Patreon.com/Witchhassle You can get tickets for James’s class at this year’s Salem Summer Symposium at https://www.salemwitchfest.com/event-details/the-history-use-of-magical-fluid-condensers-with-dr-james-dotson where he will be talking about magical fluid condensers. His class from 2023 is available here: https://www.salemwitchfest.com/product-page/venus-queen-of-perfumes You can learn more about James Dotson and his studies of scents at @iatromantis on instagram a ..read more
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048 - Christopher Warnock and De Quindecim Stellis
by Witchhassle
1y ago
Christopher Warnock comes on to talk about De Quindecim Stellis: The Comprehensive Translations of Hermes on the Fifteen Fixed Stars (with Regulus Hess). In part 1 of this deep dive interview, I subject Warnock to listener questions from people who actually know things about astrology. In part 2 (available at patreon.com/witchhassle) I subject Warnock to my own questions about the brass tacks of how talismans work and are generated. You can learn more about Christopher Warnock here: https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/ and here: https://www.youtube.com/@renaissanceastrology Grab the book here ..read more
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023 - Astrology with Corbin Dewitt & Claire Comstock-Gay (Madame Clairevoyant)
by Witchhassle
1y ago
In a very special episode, astrologers Corbin Dewitt and Claire Comstock-Gay (Madame Clairevoyant) come on the program to talk about getting into astrology, the Sagittarian alter ego, pain points, and more. You can learn more about Claire Comstock-Gay at https://clairecomstockgay.com/ and you should definitely follow her on twitter (https://twitter.com/MmeClairevoyant) and instagram (https://www.instagram.com/clairecomstockgay/) You can learn more about Corbin Dewitt at https://corbindewitt.com/ and you should definitely follow her on twitter (https://twitter.com/corbin_dewitt) and instagram ..read more
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019 - Rain Mason Talks Therapy and Divination
by Witchhassle
1y ago
Dr. Rain Mason comes on to talk about divination and psychological therapy, as well as about their practice of theurgy. You can learn more about Rain at their site (https://www.rainmasonphd.com/) or on twitter (https://twitter.com/500livesasafox). Their dissertation, Divination practices: An empirical psychological investigation, is available here: (https://research.library.fordham.edu/dissertations/AAI10838562/). And here are some Amabie links: https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/22/838323775/in-japan-mythical-amabie-emerges-from-19th-century-folklore-to-fight-covid ..read more
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015 - Quadrivium Supplies (feat. Catherine Diedrich)
by Witchhassle
1y ago
Catherine Diedrich of Quadrivium Supplies comes to chat about making magical oils, tables of correspondence, ancestor work, and her new project around making magical basics more accessible for the new kids. You can and should learn more at: https://twitter.com/quadrivii https://www.instagram.com/quadrivii/ http://www.blog.quadrivium-supplies.com/ http://www.magicalbasics.net/ http://www.magicalbasics.net/origins-of-tables-of-correspondence ..read more
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045 - T. Susan Chang and the Living Tarot
by Witchhassle
1y ago
T. Susan Chang comes on to talk about her new book, The Living Tarot: Connecting the Cards to Everyday Life for Better Readings. We get into tarot and ritual, and making meaning rather than just receiving it. Buy The Living Tarot here: https://www.llewellyn.com/product.php?ean=9780738772257 Learn more about T. Susan Chang and her work here: https://www.tsusanchang.com/ here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Tarotista here: https://twitter.com/tsusanchang and here: https://www.instagram.com/tsusanchang/ You can also get tickets to my upcoming talk on bibliomancy here: https://www.thecauldronblack.com ..read more
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47 - Paul Robichaud and the Great God Pan
by Witchhassle
1y ago
Today on the program, scholar and poet Paul Robichaud pops on to talk about Pan, that king of the satyrs, that piper in the dappled light of pine forests. You can grab Professor Robichaud's book Pan: the Great God's Modern Return here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/pan-the-great-god-s-modern-return/18911306?ean=9781789146905 You can learn more about Professor Robichaud here: https://www.albertus.edu/about-us/our-faculty/faculty-profile.php?pname=paul-robichaud and here: https://twitter.com/PaulJRobichaud ..read more
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046 - White Rose Witching
by Witchhassle
1y ago
White Rose Witching comes on to talk about necromancy, working with queer ancestors, and the relationship between activism and spirituality. There's also a manner of cursing in there for good measure. You can learn more about White Rose Witching here: Website: https://www.whiterosewitching.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whiterosewitching Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/white.rose.witching/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WRWitching Bookshop.org Storefront: https://bookshop.org/shop/whiterosewitching You can grab tickets to my June 9th class on book-based divination here: https://www ..read more
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043 - Professor Charles Porterfield
by Witchhassle
1y ago
Texas hoodoo man Professor Charles Porterfield pops by to share his wisdom and get down to specifics about hoodoo, conjuration, materia, and his life. It's great stuff. The full interview, clocking in at nearly four hours, is available at patreon.com/witchhassle Learn more about the Professor and avail yourself of his services here: http://www.professorporterfield.com/ And check him out here: https://www.instagram.com/prof.porterfield/ That pamphlet I mention is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1I-09zSg0f_0Xdu4KosvL1ILVNZQF8bl4?usp=gmail ..read more
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044 - Altar'd States Series Saturn: McCalla Ann (the SaturnVox) and a Penny for the Old Guy
by Witchhassle
1y ago
McCalla Ann, reader and host of SaturnVox, pops by to talk about the Old Guy. It's a r.i.p.-roaring good time. Learn more about McCalla here: https://www.saturnvox.com/ and here: https://www.instagram.com/saturnvox/ and here: https://twitter.com/SaturnVox and here: https://www.facebook.com/SaturnVox/ and listen to the SaturnVox podcast here: https://anchor.fm/saturnvox There is also a planetary playlist for getting into Saturnal moods and mindsets here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3YGEwXzAMYLZJRoDlXfrDg?si=9e557c133f6e4608 ..read more
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