Ministry Update
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
This year has been amazing already and God is showing Himself strong. I have been speaking a lot at churches about the covenant relationship that Jesus initiated with us. The feedback has been tremendous and so many people have told me that they have gained a whole new understanding of the relationship that Christ has offered for us to have with Him. It has been real fun watching as people begin to understand the extent of what Christ really did.  I’ve been able to do a couple of repeating worship nights for a couple of churches. We have had some very powerful times in the presence of God more
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Change The World!
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
I just heard some of the most amazing, mind blowing testimonies of healing. All I can think is we should be changing the world. We are the sons and daughters of an all powerful God. more
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The Ability To Sing / My Miracle
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
I was in my mid-teens and was discovering that my love for making music was going to be a life-long pursuit. I could carry a tune and sing a bit of harmony, but I knew I didn’t have a voice for singing lead. I was a background singer at best and that’s all I would ever be. I knew this and it was confirmed through others. I began to ask God for a voice to lead. I committed to always use it for His glory. Weeks into that prayer I was in my car singing to the radio and out of nowhere my voice began to sound fuller. I began to experiment and I was able to control vibrato and the understanding of u more
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Achieving Goals
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
Annually I set goals and I constantly refer to them and ask myself “what have I done this week to help me achieve this goal?” Jesus set us a goal to obtain and I’m finding myself refer to it regularly to ask “what have I done this week to reach this goal?” Mat. 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  Read full chapter more
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Spiritual Warfare
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
I don’t think we are supposed to give much attention to spiritual warfare. I believe we go to battle spiritually, but I believe it looks different than many are teaching. I believe it’s about learning to let God be the one fighting because the battle belongs to Him, (according to His Word). Scripture also says “it’s not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.” David said “you prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” I think our job is to dine with our Father and stare across the table at Him while He unleashes all the furry of Heaven on our behalf. Our focus i more
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The Eternity Project
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
I’m about to lead worship with my amazing daughter for The Eternity Project at the Sand Springs Triangle! No setlist, just worship, can’t wait more
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He’s still not finished
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
I’ve been serving God my whole life. Still every few years I stop and realize He’s bigger than I thought He was, He loves more than I thought He did. He’s been working even when I didn’t realize it. My realization of how good He is continues to be expanded exponentially, and then I realize He’s still not finished more
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Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
This morning I’m listening to the song “Homecoming”. I begin to rejoice and meditate on all He’s done for us. Then the Holy Spirit reminds me “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him”. Friends, we don’t even know the half of it yet more
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Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
Often we know what God’s Word says and how it goes against the culture. Going against the culture of the day is hard and brings a lot of persecution. For this reason we rationalize and try to find a “biblical” excuse or explanation to embrace the evil desires of our culture (sin). Rationalization is the devil’s sugar that helps the medicine go down when you know the medicine is nasty. The problem here is the medicine is merely a placebo and does nothing good for you. It only robs you of truth and leaves you in a bottomless pit of self reliance and out of unity with Yahweh more
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Make Sure You STAND OUT
Darin Shipley Blog
by Darin Shipley
1y ago
There are a lot of ways our lights can shine for Christ, but this will for sure make you stand out!  “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.”  ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23-24‬ ‭NLT more
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