5 Ways to Improve Your Brand Awareness on Social Media
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
2M ago
No matter what your line of business, social media marketing (SMM) is a low-cost, high-reward way to connect with your audience online, leading to increased traffic to your site and – with a little skill – a slew of brand-new leads. But besides just reaching out to new users, spreading your message on social media can be a great way to connect with users and customers on an emotional level. Source ..read more
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Where Should I Advertise My Small Business Online?
Geek Chicago Blog
by Allison Weber
3M ago
In today’s massively digital age, having a vibrant and multichannel online presence is crucial for any small business. However, in such a rapidly evolving landscape, it can be overwhelming for entrepreneurs to determine where to focus their efforts and how to get the biggest bang for your designated marketing bucks. Knowing where your business belongs is all about identifying your… Source ..read more
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Get Your Digital Ducks in a Row: 4 Impactful Marketing Resolutions for Small Businesses in 2024
Geek Chicago Blog
by Allison Weber
7M ago
Welcome to the roaring twenties of the digital era, where hashtags are the new high-fives and algorithms hold the keys to the kingdom. But the plethora of platforms, apps, and martech can overwhelm even the savviest small business owner. Geek Chicago is here to help. Just like it’s never too late to leverage the digital dynamic as an affordable way to boost your brand’s profile… Source ..read more
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How to Decode Your Most Pressing Google Analytics Questions
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
Google Analytics is the easiest way for marketers, developers, and businesses to track the successes and failings of a website – but for many, the powerful free tool just leaves more questions than it actually answers. “What exactly is bounce rate?” “How do I have such a high average time on page and a high bounce rate?” “Which metrics should I actually be concentrating on?” “Hey... Source ..read more
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Content Marketing on a Budget: Maximizing ROI for Small Businesses
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
The marketplace is constantly evolving, and traditional forms of marketing just can’t keep up. Is your small business grappling with how to develop and use content to generate leads and drive sales without spending a fortune? It’s absolutely possible to create a successful content marketing strategy on a limited budget. The notion of competing with larger, more resource-rich competitors can be... Source ..read more
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Think 2023 Is Too Late to Get Started with Digital Marketing? Think Again
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
“Isn’t Twitter kind of dying as a platform?” “Does anyone actually even read content anymore?” “I just don’t see how I’ll have the time to focus on a new website, let alone content.” “Digital marketing sounds great! But I think I’ve missed my shot at it…” We hear thoughts like these from business owners here in Chicago and around the country all the time. For some, digital marketing still seems... Source ..read more
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LinkedIn 101 – The Basics That Every Business Professional Needs to Know
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
Most business professionals have at least a peripheral understanding of how to market their products or services on social media sites Facebook and Twitter. (If not, Geek Chicago is here to help with those, too.) LinkedIn, however, is often vastly misused or misunderstood, by businesses and professionals alike. On the one hand, LinkedIn is the preferred social media network for B2B marketers... Source ..read more
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5 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Referral Traffic
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
In terms of inbound marketing for your site, we tend to talk about traffic in two major ways: either as organic traffic, or referral traffic. Broadly speaking, organic traffic is best categorized as the clicks that come from users who find your site directly from a Google or Bing search. Referral traffic, then, refers to the visitors who come to your page through any site other than a major search... Source ..read more
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How Do Users Engage With Your Site, and What Does It Mean for Your SEO?
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a process your brand can use to position itself highly on search engine ranking pages (also called SERPS). In a lot of ways, SEO is one of the most important tools you can use to get future customers to find your business’s information online. It’s also an effective way to keep users coming back for more, and increase the likelihood that your newfound website... Source ..read more
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How to Rekindle Your Audience’s Passion for Your Brand
Geek Chicago Blog
by Jason Finn
10M ago
Maybe you’ve been at a fancy restaurant, only to look over at the corner booth and see a young couple who can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. They’re canoodling, they’re sharing food, and they’re generally showing to the world that they’re, like, so totally in love. And then your gaze glides over to another table, and you see, perhaps, an older couple. They’re sitting in silence and... Source ..read more
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