Understanding TRE (Trauma Release Exercises): A Powerful Tool for Addiction Recovery
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
3M ago
An effective way to release tension and trauma stored in the body, providing relief that can support addiction recovery. The post Understanding TRE (Trauma Release Exercises): A Powerful Tool for Addiction Recovery appeared first on Ventura Recovery Center ..read more
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8 Myths About Recovery from Addiction
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
11M ago
Recovery from addiction is a complex and multifaceted process, and there are several common misconceptions or myths surrounding it. Here are some of them: It’s a One-Time Fix: One of the most common myths is that recovery from addiction is a one-time event or a quick fix. In reality, it’s a lifelong journey that often involves setbacks and requires ongoing effort and commitment. It’s Just About Abstinence: While abstinence from the addictive substance or behavior is a crucial aspect of recovery for many people, it’s not the only component. Recovery often involves addressing underlying issues ..read more
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Sobriety Is Completely Different Than I Expected
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by Chris D.
11M ago
I knew I needed to get sober long before I actually did. It took literally YEARS for me to seek out help. This was years of trying one more thing to manage my drinking. When that didn’t work I would try another. And another. It was years of  feeling sick and embarrassed, of hiding from my friends and family and, really, life.  By the time I finally darkened the door of an AA meeting, I was beat. I knew NOTHING else worked. My goose was cooked. The choice was either to ask for help or…well, let’s just say the other choice was not pretty. My outlook for my sober life ahead didn’t look ..read more
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5 Steps to Helping Someone with Addiction
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
Observing a loved one battling addiction can be emotionally devastating. Here are five strategies to help someone with addiction while safeguarding your own mental well-being. Step 1: Identifying the Issue In our nation, drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions, yet the signs of addiction often go unnoticed by those who could provide essential support if they were aware of their loved one’s, coworker’s, or friend’s struggles. While clinical symptoms of addiction might escape the notice of friends and family, there are unmistakable warning signs that are more readily identifiable, includ ..read more
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Women Seeking Addiction Treatment in Their 40s and 50s
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
The Importance of Medically Assisted Detoxification at Accredited Addiction Treatment Facilities In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in addiction rates among women, particularly those in their 40s and 50s. Recognizing the gravity of this issue, it is crucial to shed light on the need for comprehensive addiction treatment, including medically assisted detoxification, at accredited drug rehab facilities. This article explores the statistics surrounding addiction among women, emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help, and highlights the dangers of attempting to detox at ..read more
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The Power of Helping Others in Achieving Long-Term Sobriety
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
Embarking on a journey towards sobriety is a transformative experience that requires immense courage and dedication. While personal commitment is crucial, there is an often-overlooked aspect of recovery that can significantly contribute to maintaining long-term sobriety: helping others. This article explores how extending a helping hand to those battling addiction not only benefits them but also plays a vital role in one’s own continued recovery. Inspired by the twelfth step of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), this act of service becomes a powerful tool in building a strong foundation for lasting so ..read more
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How Mindfulness Helps Addiction Recovery
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Anyone in recovery has heard this quote so many times they could probably say it backward. Much of recovery is focused on the latter – changing the things we’re able to.  But what about accepting the circumstances we can’t? How can we find peace and contentment in life while still maintaining sobriety? Much of this is done by calming the storm within ourselves. When we allow ourselves to live in the present rather than looking back at our past, o ..read more
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Neurofeedback Therapy For Addiction Treatment
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
Neurofeedback Therapy: What Is It? Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback, is a technique used to help people learn to use their brain more efficiently. Often, those with depression, anxiety, addictions and even ADHD are stuck in an unconsciously conditioned pattern of thinking. The brain is “stuck in a rut.” It continues to use the same pathways to respond to its environment. With neurofeedback, clients can visually see their brain patterns associated with their thinking in real time. Clients then can learn to self-regulate when their thinking becomes overly negative or anxious. New neura ..read more
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Euphoric Recall: The Lie that Leads to Relapse
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by Chris D.
1y ago
Let’s face it., life isn’t always easy. We all have hard days, feel stressed or sad or just plain blah. Life in sobriety is no different, in most respects. There is one distinct challenge we have, though, especially in early sobriety….euphoric recall. It is a sneaky condition we experience that can seem harmless at first, but can lead to disaster if unchecked. What is euphoric recall? Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Simply put, euphoric recall is when we recall only the fun and happy times we had back when we were using drugs or drinking. Here’s an example: Say you’ve had a tough day. You are tired ..read more
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Fentanyl: What Is It and What Can We Do About It?
Ventura Recovery Center Blog
by admin
1y ago
What is Fentanyl? To start, fentanyl is a synthetically made opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. Originally developed for pharmaceutical purposes, fentanyl was distributed in the form of a patch for pain management. It is typically given to cancer patients and those recovering from major surgery.  The drug was manufactured with the intention of helping people. The issue is that because of its potency, it became popular in the street drug market and is highly addictive. Fentanyl is manufactured either pharmaceutically or illicitly, primarily in Mexico. According to the DEA ..read more
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