Baptism Passages
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
1M ago
Read the Bible’s Case For Baptism Here Matthew 3:13-17 13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. 14 John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”15 But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. 16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 17 and behold, a voice fro more
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Dismantle Islam, Trust in Jesus More, & Open The Door For The Gospel
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
1M ago
I’m all about that head knowledge. Of course our faith is about living it out more than “knowing” something. But one day your faith will truly be tested with some hard questions. People are going to say what we believe is a fairy tale. They aren’t going to listen to responses like, “well I prayed about it.” Or, “it’s just something I feel is true.” We know what you mean when you say that as a Christian. We get that. But outsiders will laugh. Isn’t it good to know that you actually stand on a lot of logic and reasoning? That the Christian faith is built on facts and evidence? That your faith is more
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It’s Time to Prepare Your Testimony
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
1M ago
Action step: prepare your :60 second elevator speech, 5 minute brief share, and eventually 30 minute version of your testimony. I dont know if you know this, but your testimony is a WEAPON against the enemy! Revelation 12:10-11 hit home one day. It reinforced some concepts about how to best share our personal testimonies. First read verse 10: “And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.” The a more
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Let’s Be A Biblically Judging Church Part 3
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
2M ago
[You must read Part 1 (about the meaning of the word judge and judging ourselves first) and Part 2 (about judging believers). Part 3 today is about the difference in how we examine unbelievers and false teachers.] For unbelievers, it is the same but different. We can still inspect their fruit, but those outside the church cannot be held to the same standards as Christians. “For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges.” (1 Corinthians 5:12-13) Therefore, we must not engage in childish quarrels. We can more
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Let’s Be A Biblically Judging Church (part 2)
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
2M ago
[Part 1 was about ourselves. Check it out here.] Part 2 and 3 are about others. Today… What is our responsibility towards believers? There is way more in the bible about our role with each other than with those who are not ‘among us.’ Ready to get overwhelmed? We have a loving responsibility to hold believers accountable, always looking for healthy restoration as the ultimate goal, not division and punishment. We must always point each other back in alignment with the Word of God. There really is right and wrong according to Him. The Bible gives us clear guidance about how we are to live our l more
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Let’s Be A Biblically Judging Church Part 1
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
2M ago
[Part 1 covers the misunderstandings of judging and most importantly who to start with-ourselves! Part two will cover the differences between judging believers, non-believers, and false teachers.] When someone says that Jesus says you’re not allowed to judge, that’s actually not true. Kindly correct them and say, “Yes we are.” Contrary to common opinion, the Bible commands us to judge. We are told to “Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22) Testing is judging between right and wrong. The devil has successfully removed our abilit more
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The Case for Church Part 1 & Part 2
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
3M ago
Part 1 is a video: Part 2 the video didn’t work so here are the notes: #2. Devoted to worshipping the Lord. He was now center, not just a part. These early followers were being reminded and taught about the instruction of Jesus Christ, understanding the message of What was to be witnessed, armoring up and banding together against persecution, and praying for one another to be filled with the HS to continue their mission against all odds. We see in Acts 4 Peter and John get arrested. Miraculously released because The Jewish rulers found no way to punish them because the people were all giving more
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Don’t Need Church? I used to say that too.
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
3M ago
Has someone ever said to you, “I don’t need church.” Perhaps this person is also a Christian. Perhaps this person was or is, you. Here’s how to respond. *Please excuse any grammatical errors. This was written on iphone with no time to edit. The early church was DEVOTED. Look around at the standard American church today. Are we? We’ve been reviewing what true devotion to a local body of believers means and why it’s so pivotal to a Christian’s walk. In a nutshell, it’s not about you! Some people don’t know what the problem is so first, it’s important to know that: About 40 million adults in Ame more
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My confession yesterday
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
3M ago
My confession yesterday: I said Lord, “I’ll give it one more year. I’ll finish out 2024 strong. Then it may be time to move on and go back to what I used to do.” “Unless something happens in the spring.” I wasn’t saying that to tempt or test God. I simply said that last part to myself. I was merely talking my plans out loud. But it’s like He heard me…and He had different ones. The spring came and have you seen what’s happened? This group has been so united. Good Friday at our house. Breakthrough. True koinonia for the Camineros. Breakthrough. New people attending. Breakthrough. New people inqu more
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Go, but wait! Acts 1
The FMU - Faith. Fitness. Farm
by Coach Theo and Amber
3M ago
Devoted: Go, but wait! Acts 1:-11 Notes Opening Story from Neighborhood The book of Acts was originally called the Acts of the Apostles because of all the amazing sign acts which took place in the early church. The book itself is dated between 63-70 AD. The book is a history lesson of colliding relationships (the new Christians, the Jews and the Gentiles). Covers a course of 30 years This is part 2 of a two-volume work. The first part is the Gospel of Luke, also addressed to Theophilus (Luke 1:1–4), and the second part is Acts. The history of the church is rooted in world history. It really h more
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