Vancouver Homeopath Blog
Stay up to date with homeopathy news, stories and events! Vancouver Homeopath is the practice of Nicole Duelli, a certified classical homeopath with a background in naturopathic medicine. Read her tips and homeopathic insights in the latest posts.
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
3w ago
Arnica montana 30ch is such a lovely homeopathic medicine – and it usually works across the board for any injury whether it’s a sprained ankle, a bump to the head ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
2M ago
One of the greatest advantages of homeopathy is that it creates resilience since it supports and revitalizes the body’s ability to heal itself, including cold weather resilience. But before adding ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
4M ago
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is unique and wholly different because it taps into and revitalizes the body’s natural ability to heal itself rather than just suppressing pain ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
6M ago
My daughter was in grade 12 when she experienced symptoms of a mild concussion while playing in a finals soccer game – and let me tell you, although she was ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
8M ago
Campfire burns, oven burns, sunburns, radiation burns – homeopathy can help for both the pain and assist in tissue healing. If you’ve ever burned yourself on a hot stove or around a campfire, you’ll know how distracting that sting can be. I can be clumsy in the kitchen, and have burned myself more than once – if it’s a slight redness, I’ll just place my hand under cold water and follow with calendula cream. But if it’s a bad burn, I take Cantharis 30ch immediately and find that it not only soothes the pain but prevents the blister. To me, this is one of the little miracles of homeopathy: being ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
9M ago
Hemorrhoids are common. And embarrassing. They can be painful, even debilitating, large and grape-like or hardly noticeable. How amazing then that the body can heal them, make them disappear just as swiftly as they came – but that’s the body for you, and it never ceases to amaze.
Of the five top remedies for hemorrhoids, you’ll notice that the first three, Aesculus, Collinsonia and Hamamelis, are also common herbs. As a homeopath, I find the homeopathic medicines are best suited when symptoms are strong, clear and troublesome as they are powerful to facilitate healing, while the herbal c ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
11M ago
Cold and flu viruses tend to get the best of us during seasonal weather changes and with spring comes those warm days and cold nights – a time when the body hasn’t quite adjusted to the new season. When a cold or flu hits, remember homeopathy. A well selected remedy can help the body recover faster and manage symptoms of aching, pain and exhaustion quickly so you’re back on your feet fast. Whether symptoms are actually a flu or another virus, like Covid for example, know that the medical diagnosis is not as important in homeopathy as the symptoms themselves. Just be sure to choose the re ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
1y ago
Who doesn’t love traveling to hot, sunny climates during the cold winter season? Yet there’s nothing worse than being sick while on holidays, whether diarrhea is due to unaccustomed foods, germs or parasites. Taking a few remedies with you just in case is always a good idea, as homeopathy can ease discomfort and help the body recover if you do get sick.
Homeopathic remedies for the acute phase
Here are the the top remedies for traveller’s diarrhea:
Arsenicum album 30ch is the main remedy to consider for diarrhea combined with vomiting. The person is weak and restless – and the symptoms are wor ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
1y ago
There’s a saying “whoever finds the cure for a cold should bury it” because colds give us a chance to get the rest we need and deserve. Remember it next time you get sick: instead of popping a painkiller and pushing through an unproductive day of work, take a couple of days of rest and recovery along with a well chosen natural homeopathic remedy to build resilience over the long term.
Since we are all made differently, with our unique biochemistry and our own way of expressing our symptoms, homeopathic medicines work best when given according to the unique symptoms we experience. I usually rec ..read more
Vancouver Homeopath Blog
1y ago
If only breastfeeding was as easy, self explanatory and uneventful as it is good for you! We all know that breastfeeding is best for mother and baby—it’s the perfect food at the right temperature and releases that magic hormone Oxytocin, which not only supports bonding but also helps shrink the uterus to help get mom’s pre-baby shape back.
When breastfeeding is hard, nothing beats a lactation consultant for managing those first few attempts at nursing. But when inflammation or infection threatens despite proper latching techniques, homeopathic remedies can work quickly and usually helps preven ..read more