Can Dogs Eat Cheetos? Risk Vs. Reward
by Ryan Fisher
2M ago
Picture this: you are sitting down, getting ready to enjoy a relaxing night with your furry friend and a few savory snacks. You get up for a second to grab a drink and when you come back, your brand-new bag of Cheetos has been eaten through by your dog. What should you do?  Don’t worry if you find yourself in a situation similar to this; it happens to even the most experienced dog owners.  Luckily, Cheetos are not a directly toxic food to dogs. Despite this, they aren’t considered healthy and can pose a health risk to our fluffy friends. Specific Cheeto products such as puffed Cheet more
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Kenyan Sand Boa – Species Profile & Care Guide
by Ryan Fisher
11M ago
The Kenyan sand boa is a snake species that originated in Eastern Africa. They can be found in select countries such as Egypt, Tanzania, Chad, Niger, Yemen, and of course, Kenya. They are a heavily adapted snake species that thrive in semi-arid environments. As their name suggests, they are especially used to living with soil and substrate that is loose and movable, like sand. As pets, Kenyan sand boas are extremely popular, readily available, and easy to take care of!  Species Overview Basic Appearance  Kenyan sand boas are extremely gorgeous snakes. Their dorsal coloration of oran more
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Can Cats See Colors, or Are They Color Blind?
by Chase Roseberry
1y ago
What do you think your cat sees when they're staring out the window? Do you think it's the same vibrant world full of bright greens, blues, and reds that you see? As natural, and exceptionally skilled, hunters, I always assumed cats had impeccable vision; like the grounded version of a falcon. Lo and behold, I was wrong. While cats are certainly incredible hunters, there is no disputing that, in many ways, they actually see worse than we do. Are Cats Color Blind? The retina of the eye in humans and cats contains cones and rods, two types of photoreceptor cells that allow your pet to see the w more
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10 Most Popular Dogs with Blue Coats
by Chase Roseberry
1y ago
One of the most unique and striking coat colors a dog can have is blue. So much so that when it comes to a few different breeds, blue is hands down the most sought-after color. But in the dog world, "blue" doesn't mean a crazy bright blue - you won't see real-world blues clues dogs walking around anytime soon. Instead, "blue" in the dog world means a smoky gray to light silver with deep blue undertones. The actual color ranges even more, some dogs will have a more pale color than others, while some will have an icy or steely appearance. Why are Blue Dogs Popular? Besides simply being an attra more
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Are Nut Butters Safe for Dogs?
by Chase Roseberry
1y ago
Walk through the dog aisles of any pet store, and you'll find a plethora of peanut butter-based treats and toys. After all, dogs go nuts for peanut butter; it's no secret. You've probably even bought some before. Or maybe you've used a peanut butter filled Kong toy to keep your dog occupied while you trim their nails. Hint: it works pretty well. If you have a kid who's allergic to peanuts, you probably don't want to have any peanut butter in the house, but you still want to give your dog a treat they love. So what about other types of nut butter? Fortunately, any nut can be turned into butte more
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Can Cats Eat Seaweed? With The Right Kind, Absolutely!
by Ryan Fisher
1y ago
The ocean boasts some of the most diverse life on the planet. From awe-inspiring plants to dangerously intriguing animals, most things that come from the sea can look rather alien-like in appearance. On top of this, many of these things can also be considered superfoods and are packed with a variety of vitamins and nutrients. One such ocean-sourced food is seaweed, which is an algae that has become a delicacy around the globe. With all of its human uses, can cats eat seaweed?  Is Seaweed Safe For Cats?  Generally speaking, seaweed is a food that is safe for cats to eat in moderation more
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Can Dogs Eat Ritz Crackers? 
by Ryan Fisher
1y ago
Most dogs are open when picking out what they will eat. This can often lead them to eat things they are not supposed to when they come across human snacks like chips and chocolate. Most owners can probably agree that their varied palette can be both a blessing and a curse in this way.  One food that many people want to know about is Ritz Crackers. So, can dogs eat Ritz Crackers? Is it dangerous if your dog gets into a package of Ritz Crackers? Let’s talk about it!  Ritz Crackers Are Edible For Dogs At the end of the day, Ritz Crackers can be eaten by dogs. In very small amounts, the more
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12 Cat Breeds With Blue Coats
by Ryan Fisher
1y ago
Blue coats are a unique trait within cats that cat lovers have sought for years. As compared to other coat colors, such as orange and black, blue coats tend to be more rare to come across. For most cats, a blue coat results from a mutation that dilutes black hair, producing a blue-grey color. Look at some of the most popular cat breeds with blue coats. What Cat Breeds Have Blue Coats? Not all cat breeds have blue fur, but a special few only have blue fur, while other breeds can sometimes be born with this unique color - although rarely. Below we've compiled a list of 12 blue cat breeds. Their more
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Maine Coon Size vs. an Average Cat (With Size Chart)
by Chase Roseberry
1y ago
It's no secret Maine Coons are some of the biggest cats around. They are large, rugged cats built for almost any cold climate, from their long, thick fur to their big snowshoe feet. Maine Coons also consistently claim the world record for the longest cat alive. When the current record holder passes away, smart money says the next one will also be a Maine Coon. But how much bigger are these gentle giants compared to the typical cats you see every day? It might surprise you to hear they aren't always the tallest or heaviest cats, but they are definitely near the top of the list. Maine Coon Bree more
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Are Wolf Dog Hybrids Legal to Own? Depends on Your State – Updated 2024
by Chase Roseberry
1y ago
Keeping wolf-dog hybrids as pets has become extremely controversial, but for better or worse, they have been growing more and more in popularity. But one of the most common concerns is legality. Are wolf-dog hybrids legal to own? One of the more recent sparks in the wolf-dog hybrid conversation is thanks to the Blue Bay Shepherd. A gorgeous-looking blue wolfdog with both German shepherd and Eastern Timber Wolf blood. Due to their wolf ancestry and because they aren't a recognized breed, I often get asked whether or not it would be legal to own one. Sadly it's not a totally straightforward ans more
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