”Yogic Sleep” – What is Yoga Nidra?
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
Reaching back to its roots in the old tradition of tantra yoga (inner transformation) and Indian philosophy (in old texts Yoga Nidra is a state of cosmic sleep of the god Vishnu), the practice of Yoga Nidra as it is known now was introduced by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar Yoga School in the mid of the 20th Century. He developed it while serving at his teacher’s ashram, Swami Sivananda Saraswati. Yoga Nidra, sometimes also called yogic sleep, focuses on the meditative aspect of yogic practice. It develops a particular faculty of the mind – relaxation with mindfulness of the body and ..read more
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What is Sound Bath?
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
Sound Bath is a form of relaxation with the sounds of various instruments that have bell- like qualities and can create a resonance together that is influencing our brain in a very positive way. It can also be as a form meditation practice- meditation with the sound.  The sounds that are played in the room help to harmonize our brain. Unique blend of sounds, different frequencies, harmonics, steady beats, takes our mind on the self-discovery journey. Some people come to the sound bath to connect with the higher self and receive messages from their subconcious or to heal from the past. Th ..read more
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The Power of Mindful Movement: Cultivating Presence and Well-being
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
In our fast-paced and technology-driven world, finding moments of stillness and inner peace can be challenging. Mindful movement offers a powerful antidote to the constant distractions and stressors we face daily. This blog explores the concept of mindful movement, its benefits, and how to incorporate it into your life. What is Mindful Movement? Mindful movement is a modality of mindfulness practice. It refers to the practice of engaging in physical activities with full awareness and presence. It combines the principles of mindfulness, which involve paying attention to the present moment with ..read more
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Sound Bath and Yoga Nidra - Exploring the Synergy of Two Powerful Practices
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
In recent years, alternative healing and relaxation modalities have gained significant popularity as people seek holistic approaches to well-being. Among these practices, sound baths and yoga nidra have emerged as powerful tools for relaxation, stress reduction, and spiritual growth. While they are distinct practices in their own right, there are several commonalities between sound baths and yoga nidra that make them complementary and allow them to work together synergistically. In this blog post, we will explore the similarities between these practices and delve into how they can be combined ..read more
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Uważność podczas jedzenia
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
Jak stosować praktykę medytacji w naszym codziennym życiu? Praktyka uważności, czyli bycia tu i teraz, połączenia z ciałem, emocjami, zmysłami, nie ogranicza się do siedzenia ze skrzyżowanymi nogami w cichym miejscu. Mindfulness to każdy moment życia codziennego, w którym jesteśmy świadomi naszych doświadczeń z chwili na chwile, odczuwając je z akceptacją i otwartością. Dzisiaj chcę wam przypomnieć o cudownościach codziennego życia i doświadczania zmysłami. Dostarczanie naszemu ciału pożywienia może nam posłużyć do ćwiczenia praktyki uważności i wdzięczności. Następnym razem, kiedy jesz zwr ..read more
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Jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach nagłego stresu lub ataku paniki?
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
Kiedy mówimy o technikach radzenia sobie ze stresem i atakami paniki, ogromną rolę w radzeniu sobie z nimi będzie miała nasza codzienna praktyka w czasie kiedy jesteśmy spokojni i zrównoważeni, oraz regularne dbanie o swoje samopoczucie. Dzięki regularnej praktyce budujemy silne fundamenty i uczymy się nowych sposobów na oswojeniu między innymi takich stanów jak ataki paniki. W chwili intensywnej emocji, ataku paniki i niebezpieczeństwa, system nerwowy jest przeładowany, tracimy kontrolę nad swoim zachowaniem.Jeśli na poziomie nawykowym zmienimy nasz system reagowania to będzie nam dużo łatwi ..read more
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Learning meditation online. Is it possible?
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
Practicing meditation is a very individual matter. There are many types of meditation and various possibilities to practice. For some time I was asking myself a question, do the online mindfulness or meditation courses have the same benefit and safety precautions as face to face courses. I have attended myself many of those online courses and unfortunately I have to admit most of them had not been either safe nor effective. There are some different aspects and precautions that the course has to have in order to have the positive impact on the attendee. Therefore I used to think that online mi ..read more
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Facing uncertainty in challenging times with the help of mindfulness and meditation
Sound Magic Ireland Blog
by Kasia Slabon
8M ago
In times when we are faced with uncertainty and anxiety, when we feel that we lose control over our lives, fear starts to take over our thoughts and body. This is an important and very natural emotion, but it can very easily take control over our life. However, we do have a choice.  We can acknowledge things for what they are, sending compassion towards ourselves, noticing our feelings and thoughts and difficult emotions with kind and unjudgemental attitude. We can keep feeding the fear and let it control your thoughts and affect your wellbeing.  The world has stopped, everything is ..read more
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