Healthy Locs
Healthy Locs delivers a range of Black hair products to combat the art and science of healthy scalp and healthy hair for African American women and men. Explore their blog focused on providing readers with essential information on how to keep their locs extensions in optimal condition.
Healthy Locs
1y ago
and luxurious until it’s ready to be washed out. Tropical Hair Butter by Nyraju Skin Care. Nyesha Samuel – Publisher for is a must have for your black natural hair care regimen. It melts upon contact, immediately releasing the precious oils and nutrients that your hair craves ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
Leave a comment and let me know what you think ? close the follicles’ scales back down and fill the follicles with protection and clean moisture. You need to be sure to do both steps, regardless of the type of hair you have. and good nutrition will help to lead you to overall hair health. Shampoo can be a help or a hindrance to healthy African American hair. The wrong kind of shampoo can strip your hair of natural oils, which are replaced when you use a conditioner. The proper shampoo will add moisture to your hair just as well as a good conditioner will. Be sure that you always rinse well wit ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
, but that doesn’t mean you’re without options. Opt to try pin-curling hair or using bubble wrap to create soft spiral curls (yes this actually works, check it out on YouTube). Both methods work beautifully and keep hair free of heat damage. essentials list the next time you head to the beauty supply store. Remember a small batch of products sure does go a long way. Check out our recommendations below and let us know what you think with a comment! What unique natural hair care essentials are you using? Let me know in the comments below! all offer up different options that also as w ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
Also please don’t hesitate to share your Alopecia story with us by leaving a comment and letting us know what you did to cure your Alopecia. in hopes that we can take hair loss as a sign to other issues that are affecting our bodies. Below are some tips and things that I did which usually affects the scalp. But, there are other times when Alopecia comes about due to highly stressful situations. .whatever it is that gives you real joy – do it. For me it was my photography series Doc the Artist. Being around other artists who were doing their thing made me happy, and ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
*Marcela De Vivo is a freelance health writer in California whose writing for NorthWest covers everything on hair and skin care, tech, marketing, and health. To prevent breakage, she follows these tips to keep her hair healthy and moisturized. and shine. A lot of new natural hair products have emerged in the past few years, so there is bound to be something available for the current condition of your hair. one part at a time is the best way to wash your natural hair, as it will make the process much more manageable ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
How are you keeping your hair protected from Winter weather? Let me know in the comments below! give your hair the proper moisture as it detoxifies the hair and the scalp to get rid of harmful impurities. It lasts a long time without going bad, so it can be bought in large quantities and can even reverse some of the effects that hormonal problems have had on the hair. is stronger and softer, making it easier to detangle and style without breaking, to keep hair healthy during winter ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
#2 Make sure you’re on the up & up with your vitamins. healing and also know about stress and how it affects the body – so when I learned that I had alopecia I knew that it was stress induced. So I tried to take the steps in reducing my stress as well as giving my hair a break. The bald spot has since grown back and I am on the constant pursuit to have less stress and to stress less. I’m writing this article in conjunction with Healthy Locs in hopes that we can take hair loss as a sign to other issues that are affecting our bodies. Below are some tips and thin ..read more
Healthy Locs
1y ago
#2 Make sure you’re on the up & up with your vitamins. healing and also know about stress and how it affects the body – so when I learned that I had alopecia I knew that it was stress induced. So I tried to take the steps in reducing my stress as well as giving my hair a break. The bald spot has since grown back and I am on the constant pursuit to have less stress and to stress less. I’m writing this article in conjunction with Healthy Locs in hopes that we can take hair loss as a sign to other issues that are affecting our bodies. Below are some tips and thin ..read more