The Loc God Blog
Unlock the best practices to get and maintain thick locks with Loc Growth. The Loc God Blog presents continuous education on Dreadlocks, Hair Care, and How to correctly use Loc products. Loc Growth is an online loc products store on a mission to provide the best products and services within the loc community.
The Loc God Blog
1y ago
We've all heard the stories, tales and myths when it comes to the care and attention you give to your locs, but how do you know if its true? Ideally loc care is not as complicated as it sounds and everyone's routine and journey varies, so results will always be different but what we do know is that when you take care of your hair it will be good to you. In this blog, we are going to discuss and debunk myths and stories about washing your locs.
Have you ever heard the myth especially with locs that the longer you stay without a wash it will grow and loc your hair faster? As ridiculous at it sou ..read more
The Loc God Blog
1y ago
Embarking on the journey to luscious, vibrant locs requires dispelling the myth of low maintenance. Our weekly hair care routines, presented every Monday, are designed to empower the Loc community with the essential knowledge and steps needed for cultivating thick, healthy locs. Let's debunk the misconception and delve into the intricacies of a proper loc hair care regime.
Free Weekly Routine Below
Why You Need a Hair Care Routine
The Essence of Consistency
Maintaining a dedicated hair care routine is not just a luxury but a necessity. Consistency is the key to unlocking ..read more
The Loc God Blog
1y ago
I have been on a journey for years in search of the perfect hair routine to keep my hair healthy. I’m happy to say that I think I’ve finally found it! The biggest thing with having healthy hair is consistency and making sure you stick with your routine.
It may take some time, but once you get into the groove of it, it will become second nature. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal hair regimen, all the products I use and why consistency is so important when it comes to achieving healthy hair.
1. Hydrating every day
I use Hydration Mist every day religiously and it has kep ..read more
The Loc God Blog
1y ago
There are many myths about maintaining healthy locs. My mission is to educate our community on the best ways to take care of our crown.
We can all recall someone’s aunty telling us that our locs require no maintenance or that locs don’t need to be washed. I don’t know where these rumors were started, but I know for a fact that these myths are just that. MYTHS!
Every hair type, despite style requires care and locs are no different. To grow healthy locs, I have found the 5 secret ingredients for success.
Our clientele list at The Loc God Salon is an ever growing one. Not ..read more