Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
Advice, opinion and news from the Sport and Fitness Flooring experts.
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
A tremendous amount of money and technical resource is spent on the advancement of sports and fitness equipment, remember when we used tennis racquets made out of wood? The usual commercial drivers are user safety or player performance. It baffles me that a Gym Manager or Head of PE that have such a good understanding of the human body act with such poor judgement when it comes to performance flooring. That is exactly what a functional floor is. A performance floor ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
This statistic is somewhat alarming. Quite worrying. But when I saw the figures for women I was staggered. One in two women over the age of fifty, in the UK, will break a bone. ONE in TWO ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
When a minor sporting injury occurs, whether it is a child, adult or elite athlete, there are two things that need to happen. Prevention and cure. In fact, it is cure first and then the prevention of a possible repeat injury ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
Sport and Fitness have never been closer..................... like two best mates! These two best buddies, sport and fitness, have some really great industry 'best practices' when it comes to looking after the enthusiastic members of the public and, there are some improvements that need to take place ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
I love listening to people in the fitness industry. There is a tremendous amount of expertise and experience out there. Talent, enthusiasm and innovation. I guess you get this culmination of attributes in any young industry. After all, fitness, like social media and coffee shops is still in its infancy. Then again, when it comes to gym fit out, I would say the industry has hit that irrational adolescence phase of growing up ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
PT Studio refurbishment. New changing room and gym floor. Rubber tiles over laid on top of existing sports vinyl with specialist adhesive ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
Buildings that were never intended for gym use are being converted to add to the global fitness portfolio. Whether it is out of town industrial units, first floor retail, hotel room conversion or sports centre squash courts, there needs to be wider consideration to the fit out than just the AV and fitness equipment. I am referring really, to the problems caused by sound and noise ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
Whe UK is heading towards 15% market penetration within the health and fitness market. This means that 1 in 8 of us now belong to a gym. With the market polarizing (high end or budget), diversifying (spa, class only, cross fit, combat, rehab, functional, lifting, HIIT, Boot Camp, and so on), there are more and more gyms opening. This means that often buildings not initially designed for gym use are being converted.The obvious one is the light industrial unit on a business park, although it could be an office, retail unit and even a home gym conversion of a garage. Here is one big issue that we ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
The UK’s Education, Sport and Leisure building stock is in need of investment. Many facilities were constructed in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, have poor lighting, heating and many of the sports floors are in a very poor condition. But uplifting a sport or fitness surface and starting again is not always needed. We can demonstrate a cost saving of 40% of overlay versus uplift, dispose, preparation and installation of a new floor. The real saving is in program time and getting the business or the education facility back up and running quickly, earning revenue and getting customers active again! PR ..read more
Sports & Fitness Flooring Blog
1y ago
I see no reason why a number of acoustic test houses, gym design consultants and specialist fitness flooring companies cannot come together to develop standardised test methods for some of the common noise risks surrounding gym design and operation ..read more