When Summer Makes You Sad: Understanding Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder
Prism Counseling & Coaching
1y ago
Emilia had always been a creature of spring. The fresh blooms, soft pastels, and the celebration of Easter — these were the things that filled her heart with a profound sense of joy. But as spring gradually gave way to summer, and the blossoms yielded to a fiery red sun, Emilia could feel a familiar exhaustion creeping into her spirit. In Phoenix, Arizona, where she lived, the summers were relentless. Come late June or early July, temperatures regularly soared above 110 degrees or more for weeks at a time. The sun blazed and the desert landscape outside her window seemed to ri ..read more
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Avoiding Ministry Burnout
Prism Counseling & Coaching
1y ago
I’ve counseled a lot of pastors over the years, which is a privilege, but can also be heartbreaking. Pastors are human, and they struggle with the same pressures that everyone does. Yet there can be an unspoken expectation that pastors have to be perfect. 1 Timothy 3:2 indicates that a leader should be “above reproach” and “must exercise self-control, live wisely, and have a good reputation.” Paul sets the standard high, and we are wise to follow his instruction, but we tend to drain all grace out of these guidelines. Apart from Christ, the New Testament doesn’t present spiritual leaders as ..read more
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Responding to Those Deconstructing
Prism Counseling & Coaching
1y ago
by Rev. Tres Adames, MDiv, BCPC ​How pastors, families, and churches can be there for those who are deconstructing In the summer of last year, well-known evangelical pastor, David Jeremiah, declared that those leaving evangelicalism (termed "Exvangelicals") could be an indication of the beginning of the end times. While this was merely speculative, and might have intended to help current believers feel better about what they were seeing, this approach does little to build empathy with those who have already felt hurt by the church. The posture of a Christian (especially pastors) sho ..read more
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When Prayer Doesn't Work
Prism Counseling & Coaching
1y ago
​by Rev. Tres Adames, MDiv, BCPC Have you ever asked God for something but didn’t receive it? If we are honest, we all have. Yet prayer is not something similar to wishing on a star. There is nothing inherently wrong with asking God for things — sometimes we do get what we ask for. But a lot of times we don’t. It's heartbreaking when it’s something huge, like praying for healing from a serious illness or praying for some type of suffering to end. ​ ​As a pastoral counselor, I try to get people to connect with their spiritual resources, that is, practices and activities that can help them grow ..read more
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