Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic is a full-service animal hospital providing comprehensive pet healthcare services in Lincoln, CA. Their veterinarians offer a wide variety of medical, surgical, and dental services. Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog features blogs on pet health, pet care, medical conditions, feature stories, fun facts, pet safety, and more.
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
6d ago
Learn why dental care is essential for your pet’s overall health and how regular check-ups and brushing in cats and dogs can keep them smiling for years to come ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
November is National Pet Diabetes Month, highlighting the importance of early detection and treatment to ensure pet health and longevity ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Keep your pet from getting spooked with these Halloween Pet Safety tips ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Thanksgiving pet safety reminders every pet parent should know this holiday season ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Keep the festivities joyful with these holiday pet safety tips every pet parent should know ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Everything you need to know to start your pet off on the right paw in 2025 ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Keep your pet safe and healthy this winter with these 6 essential tips ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
2w ago
Discover answers to common cat care questions, including why your cat meows, how to tell if they're sick, and more ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
11M ago
Meet Coco, a 5 yr old female spayed Yorkshire terrier, who became paralyzed after jumping/falling off the sofa. She was weak with difficulty walking using the left front and back
legs. She went to her local veterinarian who diagnosed her with potential IVDD and prescribed treatment. Coco was gradually improving until she jumped off the sofa a second time and now was unable to walk and could not feel pain in her hind legs, indicating more severe spinal cord damage. Coco came to Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic for acupuncture to see if that would help.
After only 2 weeks and 4 t ..read more
Sterling Pointe Veterinary Clinic Blog
1y ago
Pet Diabetes Month
November is Pet Diabetes Month—the perfect time to discuss what it means to have a pet with diabetes and learn the early signs. Diabetes is estimated to affect one in 200 cats and one in 300 dogs. Diabetes is one of the most common endocrine disorders in pets. With proper treatment and nutrition, your pet can have a long, happy life!
What is pet diabetes?
Pet diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, occurs when the body can’t effectively move glucose (sugar in the blood that comes from food) into cells, resulting in too much glucose in the blood and insufficient in the cells. As a re ..read more