Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
6M ago
At Mairtown Kindergarten, our celebrations of Matariki this year reflected our commitment to embracing and reflecting the identities, languages, and cultures of the tamariki and whānau within our kindergarten community. This year, we wanted our Matariki celebrations to align with our Professional Growth Cycle question: In what ways does our environment and practices reflect the identities, languages, and cultures of the tamariki and whānau who attend Mairtown Kindergarten?
Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a time of reflection, celebration, and looking forward. The rising of the M ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
7M ago
During April of 2023, I had the incredible opportunity of travelling to Denmark, where I joined a study tour that took us around Danish forest schools. Through Northland Kindergarten Association (NKA), I was awarded a scholarship where I was able to take this opportunity to extend on my current knowledge and grow as a kaiako (teacher).
Forest schools have been around for many years, with many different countries adopting this approach to teaching and learning. Since the first forest school was established in Denmark, it is now a recognised practice around the world as more co ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
8M ago
In June 2024, we welcomed some very special visitors to kindergarten. Ari, Holly and Alyssa, from the Patuharakeke te Iwi Trust arrived, bringing with them very special taonga to share with our tamariki. They arrived at whānau time, and we greeted them with a Mihi whakatau, welcoming them into our whānau for the day and sharing our pepeha with them. Ari responded, telling us they and the taonga they had with them share a connection with our pepeha and us, through the name of our harbour, Whānagarei te terenga Parāoa.
After sharing kai we moved outside, where Ari told us more about the tao ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
Our kindergarten has recently participated in 'Daltons Sunflowers in Kindergartens', a nationwide project which encourages tamariki in becoming our next generation of gardeners.
On August 21st 2023 we started by planting our sunflower seeds, with each tamaiti carefully taking a biodegradable pot, filling it with soil then sowing their own special sunflower seed. These were then labeled and placed inside in a warm spot. Planting our sunflower seeds individually was a meaningful hands-on experience, that encouraged a sense of responsibilit ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
The Mairtown Kindergarten year is coming closer to its end, and that always means very special events are just around the corner – Christmas and the Summer holidays!!
This is a time of anticipation and planning for our special year’s end traditions. One of these is decorating a Christmas Tree for the Christmas Tree festival at St John’s (Golden) Church. For some years now our tamariki have created beautiful decorations with a sustainability theme to adorn our Mairtown Kindergarten tree. To create our decorations, we use a variety of recycled, reused, and natural resources, a diverse ran ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
Late last year the kaiako at Mairtown kindergarten started to talk about the idea of starting up a pātaka kai that we could be kaitiaki of. The Pātaka Kai/Open Street Pantry Movement is a resident led, grassroots, crowd sourced solution to immediate and local need, rescuing food and encouraging the co-sharing between neighbours to strengthen communities. Whether a need for food or a need to give, this movement facilitates neighbours helping neighbours, building community.
Those who wish to contribute may do so at their own discretion when convenient. Kai has a role of nour ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kaarohirohi a, ko tou hoa haere, ko te rangimarie.
May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten like greenstone, may the shimmer of light dance across your pathway and may peace itself be your travelling companion.
Last Tuesday we sadly said farewell to Mairtown Kindergarten’s Head Teacher Susie. Susie has been part of the Mairtown Kindergarten teaching team for the past 7 years and she will be greatly missed. Susie has chosen to resign at this time to enable her to focus on her recovery, as she unde ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
At Mairtown Kindergarten we love to celebrate Matariki (the Māori New Year) because it is unique to our country and culture. During Matariki we celebrate our unique place in the world. We give respect to the whenua on which we live, and admiration to our mother earth Papatūānuku.
Matariki signals growth. It’s a time of change. It’s a time to prepare, and a time of action. During Matariki we acknowledge what we have and what we have to give. Matariki celebrates the diversity of life. It’s a celebration of culture, language, spirit, and people.
We began by sharing pūrākau through our boo ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
Back in April 2022, I learnt of a water sampling programme which was being undertaken by Wai Tuwhera o te Taio (Open Waters Aotearoa), part of the Environmental Authority. Their programme involves linking community groups and the science of Wilderlab, to sample and undertake testing of the water within our rivers, lakes, estuaries and wetlands. The aim of this programme is to enable local communities to understand their own waterways better, and use the knowledge gained to consider how we can contribute to improving the health and diversity of life within them over time. The testing inv ..read more
Mairtown Kindergarten Blog
1y ago
Last year our Professional Practice Manager Kim Townsend brought in eight caterpillars, and this turned into a great learning experience that lasted many weeks, even months.
Tamariki began observing the caterpillars, drawing what they saw, asking questions, and investigating using the insect books provided. Tamariki explored the changes occurring within this area throughout the days, both alongside their e hoa and on their own.
Some of our caterpillars were named by the tamariki.
“Slinky, plinky, blinky, twinky and blon ..read more