Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
Islamic Folklore, Spiritual Story And Fairy Tales Podcast Collection For Mind, Body And Spirit.
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Suara Alam Nyanyian Merdu Kicauan Burung Dan Kokok Ayam Dari Desa Pelutu Di Pulau Dewata Pada Pagi Hari...............menjadikan jiwa serta pikiran lebih fresh lebih segar
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Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Subak is the water management (irrigation) system for the paddy fields on Bali island, Indonesia. It was developed in the 9th century. For the Balinese, irrigation is not simply providing water for the plant's roots, but water is used to construct a complex, pulsed artificial ecosystem. The system consists of five terraced rice fields and water temples covering nearly 20,000 hectares (49,000 acres). The temples are the main focus of this cooperative water management, known as subak.
Subak is a traditional ecologically sustainable irrigation system that binds Balinese agrarian society to ..read more
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
This Muslim holy book also has many other names according to its function and use. One of the names and characteristics of The Holy Qur'an that has been widely discussed lately is Ash-Syifa or as The Healer of All Diseases.
In many studies, The Holy Qur'an has properties as an antidote to both physical illness and spiritual diseases.
Reading and listening to the melodious chanting of The Holy Quran can calm the mind and heart and remove negative thoughts such as suicidal feelings, the desire to hurt oneself, reduce the fire of anger, eliminate thoughts of despair and bring coolness ..read more
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Allah SWT (God) has revealed The Noble Quran as a guide for mankind and jinn race (demon) until the end of time, giving us a guide to help us through hardship, depression and deep sadness.
Some surahs and verse from The Noble Quran are valuable reading during depression and anxiety, as their meanings and messages can help alleviate stress and depression plus improve our mental health and spiritual health healing inshaa Allah (If God Willing).
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Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Best Herbal Medicine From Nature For Faster Broken Bone Healing Plus Improve Bone Health English Version Podcast Audiobook Edition
If you have ever experienced a bone fracture or have been diagnosed with one, then you know how long the process of healing can be. A lot of people want to know how to heal broken bones faster. Aside from following the advice of your doctors, incorporating the best foods for bone healing into your diet can also greatly help.
A broken bone is what is called a fracture. It happens when a strong force is applied to the bone. T ..read more
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Terapi Ayat Ruqyah Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Untuk Meredakan Dan Menyembuhkan Berbagai Jenis Penyakit Sakit Kepala Dalam Bahasa Arab Serta Menjadikan Sistem Syaraf Kepala Menjadi Lebih Sehat.
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Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Ruqya Healing Verse from The Noble Quran To Relieve Toothache and Improve Dental Health In Arabic Languange
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Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Prophet Muhammad SAW, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is the man beloved by more than 1.2 billion Muslims. He is the man who taught us patience in the face of adversity, and taught us to live in this world but seek eternal life in the hereafter. It was to Prophet Muhammad SAW that Allah SWT (God) revealed The Noble Quran from The 7th Sky Heaven.
Along with this Book of guidance Allah SWT (God) sent Prophet Muhammad SAW, whose behavior and high moral standards are an example to us all. Prophet Muhammad SAW life was The Noble Quran. He understood it, he lo ..read more
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Terapi Ruqyah Ayat Dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran Untuk Menghilangkan Segala Jenis Penyakit Sakit Gigi Dan Meningkatkan Kesehatan Gigi Dalam Bahasa Arab Versi Podcast.
Sakit gigi adalah kondisi ketika bagian dalam atau sekitar gigi dan rahang terasa sakit atau nyeri. Tingkat keparahan nyeri tersebut bisa bervariasi, mulai dari ringan hingga berat. Sakit gigi juga dapat hilang timbul atau berlangsung secara terus-menerus.
Umumnya, sakit gigi merupakan gejala akibat penyakit pada gigi atau gusi. Namun, pada kasus tertentu, sakit gigi juga bisa menjadi tanda adanya penyakit di bagian tubuh lain yang ny ..read more
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Podcast
1y ago
Ayat Al-Shifa The Healing Verses from Holy Quran For Body Healing and Mental Health Healing Arabic Languange Edition Podcast Version
Centuries ago, Allah SWT (God) sent down Quran to mankind as a book of Guidance. Quran and its superior wisdom are definite evidence that it is the word of Allah. In addition, the Quran has many miraculous attributes proving that it is a revelation from Allah. One of these attributes is the medical Miracle of Qur’an.
AlQuran has to say a lot about medicine. Holy Qur’aan has healing power for the believers. This includes healing the heart (mental ..read more