#40 – Nested Observer Windows: the case for hierarchical consciousness
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
8M ago
In episode 40 of the Justin Riddle Podcast, Justin provides an update of the Nested Observer Windows (NOW) Model. The paper describing this theory was recently published in the open-access Neuroscience of Consciousness journal (link below) and this video is an extended version of the Plenary talk that Justin gave at the Science of Consciousness conference in April of 2024 in Tucson, AZ (link below to conference recording). The NOW Model describes the mind as a nested hierarchical system in which there are many different cognitive systems within the brain at multiple scales. We are familiar wit ..read more
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#39 – The Problem with Natural Selection: exploring modern mechanisms for evolution
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
11M ago
In episode 39 of the quantum consciousness series, Justin Riddle explores the mechanism behind natural selection in evolution. This is not a question about humans evolving from animals, but instead is raising the question about what is the driving force behind the process of evolution. Charles Darwin described evolution as a random expression of features that are then selected by the environment. The animals that are able to reproduce will preferentially spread their features to next generations. Gradually, species will change based on these survival pressures. The problem with this model is t ..read more
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#38 – Reject the Multiverse: taking wave function collapse seriously
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
11M ago
In episode 38 of the quantum consciousness series, Justin Riddle takes on the concept of the multiverse and provides arguments for why he thinks we live in a single universe. The concept of the multiverse arose from the recognition that at the fundamental level quantum systems are splitting into different possible futures. This split in space-time reality if taken at face value implies that the universe is splitting into multiple parallel universes in which slightly different events take place. However, quantum mechanics is also faced with a measurement process by which these parallel universe ..read more
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Justin Riddle #10 - Foundation of Math in Crisis
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 10 of the Quantum Consciousness series, Justin Riddle explains that mathematics does not have a firm foundation in first order logic. While it seems intuitive that mathematics should be able to be described by simple principles, there is no simple way to explain how humans can comprehend mathematics. What happens when we try to use first order logic to explain how first order logic works? Well, we run into paradox: situations that are impossible to resolve and do not make any sense. For example, take the liar’s paradox, “this sentence is false.” There is no way to make sense of this ..read more
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Justin Riddle #7 - Metaphysics Part 1 – Physicalism
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 7 of Quantum Consciousness, Justin Riddle introduces the fundamental mysteries surrounding metaphysics. What is reality? Do you exist? Are concepts real independently of humans or are they creatively constructed? The topics for discussion are behavioralism, functionalism, and the emergence of "physicality" from a universe of wave-functions ..read more
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Justin Riddle #4 - Quantum Theories
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 4 of Quantum Consciousness, Justin Riddle discusses prevalent interpretations or "theories" of quantum mechanics. First is the many worlds hypothesis that claims we live in a multiverse. The problem is there is no point of making choices when all possible realities occur. There is no collapse of the wave function and superpositions are different universes. Alternatively, when systems interacts with each other they might collapse the wave function by virtue of their interaction. But Einstein question: would the moon cease to exist if we did not look at it? There may need to be an exp ..read more
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Justin Riddle #1 - Six Arguments for Quantum Consciousness
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In this introduction to quantum consciousness, Justin Riddle presents six arguments that quantum consciousness is an important theory of mind. To summarize, (1) People identify as the latest technology and so most people believe that they are a digital computer. Time to update those models of self, because.... (2) Quantum computers are here. We wouldn't want the brick of metal in our pocket to have greater computational power than our brain. (3) People say the brain is too warm, wet, and noisy for quantum effects; yet, evidence keeps emerging for quantum effects in biology (such as photosynthe ..read more
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#35 - Digital AI is not Conscious: the role of quantum computers and the mind in the AI revolution
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 35 of the Quantum Consciousness series, Justin Riddle explores the role of quantum computers in the current revolution in digital artificial intelligence (AI). First, Justin describes some of the basics of large language models at a high level. In essence, digital AI can be conceptualized as a series of weighted matrices trained by fitting and updating the weights according to patterns found in extensive training sets of data. While these digital AI systems are indeed quite powerful as tools, it is important for us to determine what "knowledge" is being acquired. One option is that ..read more
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#37 – Decorated permutation in conscious agents: an interview with Donald Hoffman
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 37 of the quantum consciousness series, Justin Riddle takes a deep dive into Donald Hoffman’s conscious agent model and relates it to the leading theories of quantum consciousness. The structure of this episode is an introduction to Hoffman’s model of conscious agents, then an interview with Don Hoffman in November 2022, and finally some reflections on the implications of this model. Hoffman begins by describing the interface theory of perception: we have mistaken the external “physical” world to be fundamental reality. But this external world that we see around us is an evolved int ..read more
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#36 – Quantum Simulation Theory: the limitations of simulating a quantum reality
Justin Riddle Podcast
by Justin Riddle
1y ago
In episode 36 of the quantum consciousness series, Justin Riddle describes the popular simulation hypothesis and discusses the implication of running the simulation using quantum computers. First off, Justin makes the argument that the foundation of the simulation hypothesis is strictly based in a digital computer framework. If the world is deterministic and digitizable, then it could in principle be simulated. But, if the world is quantum mechanical – with superposition, measurement, and entanglement – then the world might be non-deterministic or require simulation of the entire universe to c ..read more
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