I’m Lost (i dont know how i’m feeling inside) #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthadvocate #imlost
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
1d ago
To be honest I don’t know how I’m feeling inside I don’t know if I get it or why I don’t know if I’m really that guy I just owe all my feelings a break I just know all my feelings could cry I just know that I really could die if I put all my faith in a digital mind I could post that I’m dead and n***** would know, but they wouldn’t feel pity inside Or maybe they would I’m tripping, no, wait I’m good I’m tripping Ovrkast. - TBH! (lyrics) #mentalhealthadvocate #tobehonest #depressionawareness #imlost #mentalillness #ovrkast #feelingsad ..read more
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Feeling Emotionally Numb (why say anything at all)
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
1M ago
It is hard to say something when you're feeling numb... ----- DT Nation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1131886796989006 DT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/depressiontalks1/ You Are Not Alone - Hooded Sweatshirt: https://depressiontalks.printify.me/product/16466695/you-are-not-alone-hooded-sweatshirt ..read more
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IGYEIH #linkinpark #rock #mentalhealthadvocate
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
1M ago
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I'm Mad
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
2M ago
I've been mad lately. Have you experienced putting in the effort and then falling short? Or gaining momentum just to feel you're falling behind? It's so frustrating! It feels like there's always a new hill to climb. I'm believing in making it to the top of this one. Climb your hill. Face and overcome your obstacles, one step at a time. Let's get it??? Music by @TonyPinkMusic: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Rm9ffugH9/ ----- DT Nation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1131886796989006 DT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/depressiontalks1 ..read more
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Practice Makes Perfect ? #life #thankful #mentalhealthadvocate #dronevideo
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
2M ago
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Can someone help fix my zipper? #hiphop #freestyledance #mentalhealthadvocate
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
2M ago
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… #thisiswhatspacefeelslike #mentalhealthadvocate
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
2M ago
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Indianapolis, IN: Where are you from?
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
3M ago
Here's a drone video of Indianapolis downtown! I finally got a shot of the city I grew up in and wanted to share it with you:] Where are you from? Keep on smiling DT Nation??? ----- DT Nation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1131886796989006 DT Nation Merch: https://my-store-559e5c.creator-spring.com/listing/mentallyillmerch DT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/depressiontalks1 ..read more
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They tried me...
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
3M ago
You beat me up but couldn't knock me down. So many moments where things did not get better. Those moments didn't keep me down, they taught me lessons to help me keep standing and walking forward. This is a really dope song by C3 Presents called Ain't Getting No Better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gV2AUPGBb8 We still out here DT Nation. Let's get it???? ----- DT Nation Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1131886796989006 DT Nation Merch: https://my-store-559e5c.creator-spring.com/listing/mentallyillmerch DT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/depressiontalks1 ..read more
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Twenty One Pilots Live - Clancy Tour | Indianapolis (Going To A Concert By Yourself)
Depression Talks
by Depression Talks
4M ago
Yo, it was awesome seeing Twenty One Pilots live last night! (3rd time hehe) I did go to this concert alone and still had a great time. Even though it can be an amazing time going with others who care about you, you can still have a wonderful time by yourself! Going To A Concert By Yourself - Facing The Fear And Anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGGWlyFJeUA Have you seen Twenty One Pilots live ..read more
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