TMS Tennis Training
Have fun exploring www.innercoaching-blog.de, a knowledge blog on the subject of Inner Coaching (TMS) in sports. The author of the blog is Frercks Hartwig, head coach at TMS-the mobile tennis school: www.tms-tennis.de Nearly all posts are in English and German language. Scroll down to find the translation.
TMS Tennis Training
3w ago
…aber das musste sein ? Was wir als Coaches zuerst lernen sollten, ist die Klappe zu halten. Lernen ist leise. Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an Ein Beitrag geteilt von Florian Scheibenbauer | Tennis (@scheibenpower ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
4M ago
„And, in general, sports still suffers from operating within a context of “fixing what is wrong” and a focus on teaching and giving prescriptive instructions. This works but is not the most effective approach. But we all have our blind spots.“ (Sean Brawley ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
4M ago
This is a report by Frercks Hartwig from his training practice. Experiences are linked to current scientific positions. Published in TennisSports, a german magazin ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
4M ago
„If I ask somebody, who is well practiced in going stairs up and down, to pay attention to the bending angle of his knee joints, I must not be surprised, when he is landing on his nose.“ (Frercks Hartwig) „Wenn ich jemanden, der geübt im Treppenlaufen ist, darum bitte, beim Treppen laufen auf den Beugungswinkel … Don`t talk about technique weiterlesen ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
10M ago
Der Link führt zu einem kostenlosen Service von Out-of-the-box Science Forum. Informatives Glossar zu allen wissenschaftlichen Begriffen aus dem Sport. Lesenswert. Sie liefern außerdem ein „effizientes Learning-&-Development-Konzept für die Sport- und Physiotherapie“. Dazu gehören: → Zeiteffiziente, evidenzbasierte Lerninhalte, die einen direkten Praxistransfer ermöglichen. → Den größten Mehrwert pro Minute. Kein Schnickschnack. Nur Aha-Momente und Inspiration für … Out of the box weiterlesen ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
1y ago
Johan Cruyff, soccer world champion and coach, in an interview about development in (children’s) sports using soccer as an example. About creativity in and through free play, the necessity of mistakes in the learning process. Modern sports, education and exercise concepts such as the Ballschule Heidelberg or Street Racket are looking for and offering ways … Streetplayculture weiterlesen ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
1y ago
Differenzielles Lernen und der „Constraints -Led-Approach“ (CLA) stehen sich manchmal recht unversöhnlich gegenüber und versuchen sich voneinander abzugrenzen. Dabei bieten beide Ansätze in der Praxis, sofern sie einem non-linearen Denken folgen und nicht als Instrumente zum Erreichen eines vorgegebenen Bewegungsziels benutzt werden, den Athlet:innen den Spielraum zur Entwicklung innovativer, kreativer und individueller Bewegungslösungen in den … Grenzüberschreitungen weiterlesen ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
1y ago
Comparing the traditional and constraints-led approaches to skill acquisition in tennis. By Luke Regan, The Sports Think Thank, United Kingdom. August 2021 Regan comes to the conclusion:„Manipulating constraints is not new to coaching per se, coaches have always utilised tasks and environments in ostensibly similar ways. But in order to maximise their effectiveness, the CLA … Traditional or CLA weiterlesen ..read more
TMS Tennis Training
1y ago
Adopting a Constraints-Led Approach to Enhance Skill Acquisition for Fast Bowlers in Grassroots Cricket. Journal of Coaching and Sports Science Volume 2, Issue 2, 78-86. September 2023 ..read more