Jan 21 2024 The Church with a Capital O - "Our" Church
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
6M ago
Genesis 1-11 lays out every theme of the Bible – Tuesdays or Wednesdays – over Zoom starting soon. Last week we talked about the Church – Capital C – universal, invisible. This week, we will talk about the Capital O church – Our church. Some of us have been together for many decades. You are the church here. It has never been about a program or organization – it is about people. When we have tried that – it didn’t work ..read more
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Jan 14 2024 The Kingdom of God pt. 3
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
6M ago
We’ve been looking at the Kingdom of God. The first week we started, I had mentioned that on this week we would revisit the relationship between the Church and the Kingdom. This week – Cindy follows people on – substacks and other places – and everyone is commenting on The Church – the Universal Church – knowing and understanding and appreciating The Church. I say I am talking about the Church – the capital C Church – universal – catholic – not the ..read more
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Jan 7 2024 The Kingdom of God 2
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
7M ago
20240107 Last week after our discussion time, there were some really good points brought up. Sue shared some great thoughts… John Ference and I were talking about the ‘already but not yet’ concept… Jesus’ first announcement of the Kingdom of God – both Matthew and Mark listed these similarly: Right after the temptation in the wilderness: Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is ..read more
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Dec 31 2023 The Kingdom of God
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
7M ago
I have been going over things our church has been growing in. This next one is one I think we've really excelled at...I think that we are becoming a Jesus People. Not the 70s Jesus people – nor a superiority like Paul spoke of when he talked about being ‘of Apollos, or Paul, or Jesus’ – but that we, as a community, are learning to live out the traits of Jesus in the gospels. I think ..read more
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Dec 24 2023 Christmas - The Great Reversal
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
7M ago
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.Isaiah – The prophecy has 2 fulfillments – 1 immediately following – and the word, virgin has a double meaning as well – virgin= young woman – but also means virgin, like, the virgin Mary…Luke 2: In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the ..read more
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Dec 10 2023 The Creeds
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
8M ago
It has been brought to my attention that while I study these things through the week – and mention things like the essentials and non-essentials – not everyone might know what I mean by the essentials. While the Creeds are not … The Creeds often deal with a response to certain heresies. Apostles Creed Nicene Creed – 325 AD – dealing with an issue in the Church – not long after Constantine required Christianity in the Empire. There was a controversy ..read more
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Dec 3 2023 Generosity
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
8M ago
This morning I’m going to do two mini-sermons – there will be a bridge in between the two – and if you blink, you’ll miss it! This is about learning, unlearning, and relearning and the strengths of our church through the year. Matt Lynch – Flood and Fury – addresses how to view violence in the Bible. I have not personally read it – but “The Bible consistently surprises and challenges our simplistic expectations” – Matt Lynch Proverbs 26 ..read more
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Nov 26 2023 Jesus - A Friend of Sinners (are you?) 
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
8M ago
We have been doing a series on things we’ve learned as a church. Last week – I mentioned this quote: Brennan Manning “Though it is true that the church must always dissociate itself from sin, it can never have any excuse for keeping any sinners at a distance.” (Ragamuffin Gospel) As I read that – I can see – for some, how they might have trouble and disagree with the first part – and for others – they might ..read more
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Nov 19 2023 Wounded By the Church
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
8M ago
Another thing our church has done over the years – is being a respite for those who have been burned or wounded by church or other Christians.Here are some books that have helped me through this process: Larry Crabb – Shattered Dreams / The Pressure’s Off Philip Yancey - Disappointment with God, What's so Amazing about Grace, The Jesus I Never Knew I’m not going to address direct abuse – but rather, unintentional abuse – people of good ..read more
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Nov 12 2023 Becoming the Gospel
Sunday Sermons from Grace Summit Community Church
by Grace Summit Community Church
9M ago
Over the next 10-12 weeks, I’m going to be sharing how we, as a small church, have really become an example to the larger Church. For today – you all are leaners – students – disciples – true disciples – students of the Bible and the Church community. We have all learned to learn something new, to let go of some things, and to relearn other things. This comes from a desire to know God more. This is the ..read more
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